Xhavit Shala
- Dr.Sc.
- Full Time Staff
- Xhavit Shala, The challenges of reforming the electoral system in Kosovo, ISBN–13 978-3-903063-71-6 ISBN–10 3-903063-71-1Proceedings of the Congress (December 2, 2015). «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH. Vienna. 2015. 240 P. http://ppublishing.org/upload/iblock/d88/Congress-06.pdf (qasur 10.6.2019) eLIBRARY ID: 25439133
- Mervete Shala & Xhavit Shala ,The Role of the Omdusmann of the Republic of Kosovo
- Arsim Bajrami&Xhavit Shala/ Sistemi kushtetues dhe organizimi i jurisprudences Doracak për pregatitjen e provimit të Jurisprudencës, UNDP 2009; ribotim 2015, Prishtine
- Xhavit Shala, Modelet zgjedhore në sistemet parlamentare “E Drejta”, nr.1-4, Fakulteti Juridik, Universiteti i Prishtinës, Prishtine
- Xhavit Shala/ E drejta votes se gruas dhe zhvillimi historik i saj, ISSN:1409-8962 Revista, CONSTITUTIO, Revista studimore per ceshtje juridiko-kushtetuese dhe parlamentare, Nr. 2/ 2012, Prishtine
- Xhavit Shala, Constitutional and legal basis of representation of minorities in Kosovo and experiences from the region (ISBN–13 978-3-903063-73-0 Proceedings of the Conference ≪The Eighth International Scientific Conference on Private and Public Law≫. (October 10, 2015). ≪East West≫ Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH. Vienna. 2015. 86 P
- Xhavit Shala, Electoral Process Management In Kosovo ISSN 2309-0405 International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, Vol. 3, No. 7, 2015, Progressive Academic Publishing, UK.
- Xhavit Shala/ Sfidat e reformimit te sistemit zgjedhor dhe politik ne Republiken e Kosoves ISSN 1857-8454 print JUSTICIA International Journal of Legal Sciences, Nr.2/2014 Tetove (ISSN 1857-8454 print) Publisher: Faculty of Law, University of Tetova, Republic of North Macedoni
- Xhavit Shala Effect of electoral system in advancing democracy and abuse prevention of franchise in Kosovo, Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2014), ProQuest & Cite Factor First Published in 2004 ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form EBSCO (2014) AN 101695961 “VIZIONE “ Nr.22/2014, p273-282.
- Xhavit Shala:GENDER QUOTE IN THE KOSOVO ELECTORAL LAW ISSN 2056-5429 European Journal of Research in Social Sciences Vol. 3 No. 5, 2015 Progressive Academic Publishing, UK Page 102
- Xhavit Shala, Financing of political parties in Kosovo ISBN: 978-605-284-010-8 Review of Socio-Economic Perspectives RSEP ISSN: 2149-9276, E-ISSN: 2547-9385
- Bashkim Bellaqa &Xhavit Shala& Dea Bellaqa, Labor market and management of gender based decision making: Kosovo case study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCE 8(6)(2019) 80-87 Research in Business & Social Science IJRBS VOL 8 NO 6 ISSN: 2147-4478
- Bashkim Bellaqa &Arif Krasniqi & Xhavit Shala: “INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP ON ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS AND POLITICAL PARTIES - KOSOVO Case”, International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies, Vol 9 No 3, 2020: 01-14 ISSN: 2147-4486 IJFBS, VOL 9 NO 3 ISSN: 2147- 4486 Contents available at www.ssbfnet.com/ojs
- Bashkim Bellaqa & Xhavit Shala “Function of organisation end business trends in Kosovo” Book of Proceedings SCfSD21, International Scientific Conference “Scientific Challenges for Sustainable Development – SCfSD21” Struga, 02 July 2021