Visar Hoxha
- Dr.Sc.
- Full Time Staff
- HOXHA, Visar, TEMELJOTOV SALAJ, Alenka. Učinek bruto domačeg proizvoda na vrednost nepremičnin na Kosovu in v Sloveniji = Effect of gross domestic product on real estate value in Kosovo and Slovenia. V: GULIČ, Priscila (ur.). Zbornik prispevkov = Proceedings. Nova Gorica: Evropska pravna fakulteta, 2014, str. 172-182.
- HOXHA, Visar, TEMELJOTOV SALAJ, Alenka. Real estate valuation analysis in Kosovo. V: GULIČ, Priscila (ur.). Zbornik prispevkov = Proceedings. Brdo pri Kranju v Novi Gorici: Evropska pravna fakulteta, 2013, str. 161-170.
- HOXHA, Visar, HAUGEN, Tore, BJORBERG Svein and SALAJ-TEMELJOTOV Alenka, Developing Sustainable Energy Efficient Buildings – A transnational knowledge transfer experience between Norway and Kosovo, Proceedings of the CIB World Building Congress , Vol. 5, 2016, p. 715-728
- PALLASKA, Elvida, HAUGEN, Tore, HOXHA, Visar, FINOCHIARO, Luca and SALAJ-TEMELJOTOV, Alenka, Sustainability by improving energy efficiency in traditional housing in Kosovo, Proceedings of the CIB World Building Congress, Vol. 1, 2016, p. 506-518.
- HOXHA, Visar, and BLAKAJ, Mendim, The study of factors that influence the apartment prices in the region of city center, Dardania, Ulpiana and Mati in the city of Prishtina, Book of Proceedings of Third Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate held at Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Research Center for Built Environment, 20-21 September 2018, Groningen, pp. 84-95.
- Hoxha, V. (2021). “Investigation of urban versus rural sustainable consumption of energy and water consumers in Prishtina, Kosovo: A qualitative review”, CIRRE Conference, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, 16-17 September 2021, Enschede, Netherlands
- Lecaj, V. and Hoxha, V.. (2021). “Comparative review of construction laws and building regulations affecting property markets in Kosovo and selected European countries”, Annual UBT Conference ICLAW 2021, 30-31 October 2021, Prishtina, Kosovo
- Hoxha, V. and Lecaj, V. (2021). “Regulatory challenges to sustainable buildings in Kosovo”, Annual UBT Conference ICLAW 2021, 30-31 October 2021, Prishtina, Kosovo
- HOXHA, Visar, TEMELJOTOV SALAJ, Alenka. Real estate valuation analysis in Kosovo. Dignitas, ISSN 1408-9653. 2014, Vol. 63/64, pp. 103-115
- HOXHA, Visar, DIMITROVSKA ANDREWS, Kaliopa, TEMELJOTOV SALAJ, Alenka. Kulturni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na urbanistov namen urejanja javnih prostorov v Prištini. Urbani izziv, ISSN 1855-8399. 2014, Vol 25 (2), pp. 5-18.
- HOXHA, Visar, DIMITROVSKA ANDREWS, Kaliopa, TEMELJOTOV SALAJ, Alenka. Cultural factors affecting urban planners' intentions to regulate public space in Prishtina, Kosovo, Urbani izziv, ISSN 1855-8399. 2014, Vol 25 (2), pp. 76-88.
- HOXHA, Visar, TEMELJOTOV SALAJ, Alenka. Fundamental Economic Factors that Affect Housing Prices: Comparative Analysis between Kosovo and Slovenia. Management, ISSN 1854-4231. 2014, Vol 9 (4), pp. 323-348.
- HOXHA, Visar, HAUGEN, Tore, and BJÖRBERG, SVEIN. Measuring perception about sustainability of building materials in Kosovo. Facilities, ISSN 0263-2772. 2017, Vol 35 (7/8), pp. 436-461
- PALLASKA, Elvida, HAUGEN, Tore, HOXHA, Visar, FINOCHIARO, Luca and SALAJ-TEMELJOTOV, Alenka, Sustainability by improving energy efficiency in traditional housing in Kosovo, Journal of Science, Humanities and Arts, 2018, Vol 5 (5), pp. 1-16
- HOXHA, Visar, and SHALA, Fjolla, "The benefits and challenges of sustainable buildings in Prishtina, Kosovo", Facilities , 2019, Vol. 37 No. 13/14, pp. 1118-1152.
- HOXHA, Visar, “Sustainable impact of adaptive reuse of communist style shopping malls in Kosovo”, Journal of Property Management, 2019, Vol. 37 No. 5, pp. 662-683
- HOXHA, Visar and SADIKU, Sara, “Study of factors influencing the decision to adopt the blockchain technology in real estate transactions in Kosovo”, Journal of Property Management, 2019, Vol. 37 No. 5, pp. 684-700
- HOXHA, Visar and ZEQIRAJ, Emblema, “The impact of Generation Z in the intention to purchase real estate in Kosovo”, Journal of Property Management, 2019, Vol. 38 No. 1, pp. 1-24, DOI 10.1108/PM-12- 2018-0060
- HOXHA, Visar, “Measuring embodied CO2 emission in construction materials in Kosovo apartments”, International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 2019, Vol. 38 No. 3, pp. 405-421
- HOXHA, Visar, “Measuring energy heating performance of apartment buildings in Kosovo built after 2003”, Facilities, 2019, Vol. 38 No. 5/6, pp. 395-420
- HOXHA, Visar, HAUGEN, Tore, and BJÖRBERG, SVEIN, and TEMELJOTOV-SALAJ, Alenka, Developing sustainable energy efficient buildings – A transnational knowledge transfer experience between Norway and Kosovo, Studies in Higher Education, 2020, Vol 45 (2), pp. 390-402
- Hoxha, V., Hoxha, D. And Hoxha, J.. “Study of factors influencing apartment prices in Prishtina, Kosovo”, International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 2021, Vol ahead of print, No. ahead of print.
- Hoxha, V., Hoxha, D. And Hoxha, J.. “Hoxha, V., Hoxha, D. and Hoxha, J. (2021), “Current situation, challenges and future development directions of facilities management in Kosovo”;, Property Management, Vol. ahead-of- print No. ahead-of-print.
- Hoxha, V. (2022). “Comparative Review of Laws affecting real estate prices in Kosovo and Slovenia, Journal of Property Research, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Hoxha, V., and Zeqiraj, E. (2022). “The Role of emotional intelligence on the performance of real estate agents in Prishtina, Kosovo, Property Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Xhafaj, J., Hoxha, V. and Beka, Q. (2022) (accepted).“The legal governance of online learning and the higher education institutions’ approach in Kosovo” Journal of Governance and Regulation ISSN – 2306-6784 (online version)) in 2022