Sevdai Morina
- Dr.Sc.
- Full Time Staff
Assistant Professor Sevdai Morina possesses five years of teaching and research and 13 years of experience working as a legal advisor for institutions of Kosovo at the municipal level.
- Legal advisory services for the Mayor of Municipality of Kamenica
- Sevdai Morina, Jeta Martesore, Revista Empirikus, Decembar, 2013, PEJA, REPUBLIC OF KOSOVA,YEAR 1, NO.7-8, ISSN-2336-9426, ISSN Empirikus . 326 - 326 : Designed by Dukagjini European College
- Sevdai Morina Trashëgimia e Pronës e mbështetur në Traditë, Global Challenge, REVISTË SHKENCORE PERIODIKE, Botim i Akademisë Diplomatike Shqiptare, Numri 8, Shkurt 2014, ISSN, 2227-8540, ISSN 2312-5748.
- Sevdai Morina, Basis of liability of civil deliktore causing injury, Revistë ndërkombëtare për shkencat shoqërore “VIZIONE“ Shkup, 22 (1) 2014, ISSN: 1409-8962.
- Sevdai Morina, “Civil responsibility and dangerous activities from the noncontractual damage”, Europian Scientific Journal, Vol 11, No 26 (2015), International Legal Studies Center Rua da Cruz, nº 55-1º andar, S.José, 9500-051 Ponta Delgada Azores, Portugal, ISSN: 1857 – 7881, ISSN: 1857 - 7431
- Sevdai Morina & Burim Kryeziu, Instituti i përfaqësimit në fushën e së drejtës civile, konferenca shkencore, Ditët e Studimeve Shqiptare (29-30 Prill 2016), UET-Tiranë
- Sevdai Morina, (June 2016), OBTAINING THE RIGHT TO OWERSHIP THROUGH OWNERLESS WAY, SKAP e – Conference ISBN 92-849-0892-0 Vol: June2016, Slovakia Academic Publishing, 2016
- Sevdai MORINA, Discrimination as a form of denial of labor rights, Academic Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational, Social and Communication Sciences, ISSN 1946-9690, June 2016, Slovakia Academic Publishing, SK www.skaponline.com.
- Sevdai Morina & Burim Kryeziu, Similar Sex-unnatural condition for marriage, The 2016 WEI International Academic Conference Proceedings Vienna, Austria.
- Sevdai Morina, “Basis of civil responsibility from the noncontractual damage”,Journal of European Academic Research” Vol.VI, Issue I, September 2016, DRJI Value:5.9 (B+), ISSN 1186-4822, Praha, Chez Republik, Euro Union
- Sevdai Morina, Përgjegjësia civile për veprimet e tjetrit te dëmi jashtëkontraktor, Fourth International Conference on: “Interdisciplinary Studies” 11 June, 2016 Tirana-Bialystok (Poland) ISBN-978-9928-214-21-8.
- Sevdai Morina, “Insurance and the responsibility for the caused damage”, Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe: Achievements and Perspectives, 9th International symposium 27th January 2016, Austria, Vienna
- Sevdai Morina, “Theoretical survey on defining civil liability for external contractual damage in the Republic of Kosovo, Albania and some other EU countries”, European Journal Economics, Law and Social Sciences, IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria, Vol. 4 No. 1 January, 2020, faqe 140-146, ISSN 2519-128
- Altin Maliqi, Sevdai Morina, “Ownership Role of Intellectual Property in Kosovo” 2nd Call For Papers 10th UBT Annual International Conference, IC – LAW 2021, October 29-30, Pristina, Kosovo
- Sevdai Morina, “Acting on Behalf of Another Without Consent as a Source of the Right of Obligations in the Republic of Kosovo”, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies www.richtmann.org, Vol 10. No. 6, November 2021, faqe 295-305, E-ISSN 2281-4612 ISSN 2281-3993, Richtmann Publishing Ltd. Registered In England and Wales