Nehat Idrizi
- Dr.Sc.
- Part Time Staff
- 06.12.2017 / Publication of the scientific paper in the journal : “West East Journal of Social Sciences “ ISSN 2168-7315 ( online) USA, on “The Impact of Precedent in the Legal System of Kosovo “.
- 16.12.2017 / Certificate of Participation in the 4th International Conference on “Education and Social Sciences – Challenges to the Future”, organized by the International Institute for Private Commercial and Competition Law (IIPCCL), where I presented the scientific paper on “Domestic Violence under Kosovo Legislation “.
- 08-09.04.2016 / Publication of the scientific paper from the 9th Scientific Conference held on 08-09 April 2016 in Dubrovnik, where I presented the scientific paper : “Issues of International Child Abduction under the Legislation of the Republic of Kosovo” ISBN 9788890916373.
- 07.03.2015 / Certificate of Participation in the Second Regional Scientific Conference on “ Rule of Law and Public Safety as Influencing Factors for Regional Economic Cooperation “ organized by the Institute for Legal and Democratic Studies (ISLD) in Gjilan, where I presented the scientific paper : “Divore Stages and Methods under Kosovo Legislation”. The paper is published in the Regional Journal of Social Sciences “REFORMA” in Gjilan, No.1/2015 (ISSN).
- 19-20.09.2014 / Certificate of Participation in the Regional Scientific Conference on “ LAW AND POLITICAL CULTURE AS AN INFLUENCING FACTOR IN MODERS STATE BUILDING “, organized by the Institute for Legal and Democratic Studies (ISLD) in Gjilan, where I presented the paper : “Gender Equality Issues in Kosovo” . The paper is published in the International Journal of Social Sciences “ VISIONE” in Skopje, No. 22/ 2014 (ISSN)
- 23-24.05.2014 / Certificate of Participation in the International Scientific Conference : “ STATE, SOCIETY, LAW. REGIONAL COOPERATION”, organized by the University “ Alexander Moisiu”, Faculty of Political Sciences in Durres and “ Albanian University” in Tirana, Faculty of Social Sciences in Tirana, where I presented dhe scientific paper : “ Precedent in Kosovo”- Pro Precedent Arguments “.
- 01.04.2014 / Certificate of Participation in the International Scientific Conference: “DAYS OF ALBANIAN STUDIES”, organized by the European University of Tirana, in Tirana, where I presented the scientific paper : “Violation of children’s rights in allowance, contact and restriction of freedom of movement when resolving the marriage of parents. Some comparative aspects of the legal regulation in Kosovo and Albania”.
- 12.03.2014 / Certificate of Participation in the International Scientific Conference : “RULE OF LAW AND DEMOCRACY”, organized by the State University of Tetovo, Faculty of Law in Tetovo, where I presented the scientific paper : “Joint Property of Spouses “ – Criteria fort Evaluating the Contribution for Division of Joint Property”.