Luan Durmishi
- Master
- Full Time Staff
Luan Durmishi I lindur me 11.02.1982,shkollimin,fillor te mesem dhe Fakultetin dhe Master I kreva ne Prishtinë.
Aktualisht nga viti 2019 punoj ne UBT si ligjerues i Performances Vokale.
Shpërblimet dhe anëtarësimet:
- 2020 Kosovo Philharmonic –New Year Concert
- 2019 Opera „Gof“ -Prishtina
- 2018 Charity concert for the famous director Bekim Lumi , Prishtina
- 2018 Soloist at the Choir concert of the Kosovo Philharmonic with conductor Marcio Da Silva.
- 2017 Soloist concert , Amphitheatres of University Libraries , Prishtina.
- 2017 Music performance ‘’Hypefaith’’ Montparnasse , Paris.
- 2017 Multimedia Center, performance ‘’55 shades of gay’’ director B.Neziraj National Theatre Kosovo.
- 2017 Multimedia Center, performance ‘’55 shades of gay’’ contemporary ‘’Desire’’ festival , Subotica.
- 2016 Soloist concert ‘’Mother’’ with fameous pianist Ashot Khachatourian, Prishtina, Kosovo. 2015 Opera ‘’Cosi fan tutte’’ by W.A.Mozart from summer music academy, National Theatre, Kosovo.
- 2015 Labor Theatre ‘’Loja’’, performance ‘’John Cgae’s Hmalet, director Bekim Lumi, Prishtina, Kosovo.
- 2015 Days of Kosovan culture with Orchestra ‘’Rexho Mulliqi’’, Culture Palace , Tetova , Macedonia.
- 2015 Concert with Orchestra ‘’Rexho Mulliqi’’, Prishtina, Kosovo.
- 2014 Kinder und Jungendballet, special guest at palace of culture Bitterfeld Germany.
- 2014 Opera ‘’Bastien and Bastiene’’ by W.A.Mozart National Theatre Prishtina Kosovo. 2013 Organized concert by the vocal institute ‘’Voce Doro’’ Honesdale Pannsylvania USA.
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- CV Msc. Luan Durmishi
- 2013 Gala Concert of Kosovo Academy of Science and Arts, Hall of ASHAK, Prishtina, Kosovo
- 2013 Assocciatiob of Kosovo Composers/Days of Kosovo Music. National and University Library of Kosovo, Prishtina.
- 2012 Opera &Film Music for New Year Gala Concert of Symphonic Orchestra of Kosovo Philharmony Opera, Red hall, Prishtina, Kosovo
- 2012 concert of the Academy of Science and Arts of Kosovo “100 years of state” – Hall of ASHAK, Prishtina, Kosovo
- 2012 concert of the Chamber Music Orchestra “Rexho Mulliqi”, “100 yeard state” – “Diar” hall at the Swiss Diamond Hotel, Prishtina
- 2012 humanitarian concert organized by the Chamber Music Orchestra “Rexho Mulliqi”, “For Bjondina Dermaku”, ‘Diar’ – Concertal hall of the Swiss Diamond hotel.
- 2012 Albanian Cultural Days in Republic of Croatia/ Mimara Museum, Zagreb, Croatia.
- 2011 concert with the Chamber Music Orchestra “Rexho Mulliqi”, prestigious theatre “La Palace”, Paris.
- 2010 solo concert in honor of the great humanist “Mother Theresa”, Andra cathedral, Graz, Austria.
- 2009 semi solo concert, Red hall, Palace of Youth, Prishtina, Kosovo. 2009 – awarded third place in the “Jorgjija Truja” competition with the orchestra of TOKB in Tirana, Albania.
- 2009 solo concert, International Festival “Ulcin Summer Scene”, Ulcinj, Montenegro.
- 2009 Christmas&New Year Concert/ Symphonic Orchestra of Kosovo Philharmony
- Opera, Red Hall, Prishtina, Kosovo.
- 2008 “ The Three Bridges”- Kosovo, Ukraine, Austria, in Theatre Lalish, Vienna, Austria.
- 2008 solo concert, Red hall, Palace of Youth, Prishtina, Kosovo. 2007 – solo concert, Theatre “Wolkhause”, Zurich, Switzerland.
- 2008 International Festival REMUSICAPrishtine,Kosovo
- 2008 Christmas New Year Concert/Symphonic Orchestra of Kosova Philharmony in cooperation with Mecedoniana Opera&Ballet, Youth center concert Hall, Pristina
- 2007 International Festival REMUSICA, Prishtina Kosovo
- 2007 International Festival of young musiciansDAM,Prishtina, Kosovo
- 2007 The Festival MUSIC DAYS, Skopje,Macedonia
- 2007 The Festival HISTRIA, Pule, Porec, Croatia
- 2007 The Festival CULTURE DAYS of Albanian -Switzerland, Zurich, Switzerland.
- 2007 Charity Concert under the patronage of the German Liaison Mission Mr. Karl Wokalek for the benefit of the University children’s clinic, Red hall, Prishtina, Kosovo
- 2007 Three Young Tenors Concert, Culture Center “Rexhep Mitrovica”, Mitrovica,
- Kosovo.
- 2006 solo concert, National Theatre, Prishtina.
- 2006 International Festival ARS KOSOVA, Prishtina,Kosovo – awarded first place 2006 -International 2006 – Festival of young musicians DAM,Prishtine, Kosovo
- 2006 Europe Day/ Symphonic Orchestra of Kosova Philharmony, Red Hall, Prishtina, Kosovo.
- 2006 Homage Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 2006), Art Center/Prishtina
- University, Kosovo
- 2003 The Festival of MUSIC,THEATRE and MOVIE, Sarajevo, Bosnia
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- CV Msc. Luan Durmishi
- He has worked with notable international artists:
- Ashot Khachatourian – pianist ( Belgium – Armenia ).
- Alexandre Dubach – violinist ( Switzerland ).
- Nigar Hasib – singer ( Austria )
- Petya Ivanova- soprano ( Bulgaria ),
- Maria Herlin-soprano ( Sweden ),
- Eva Halber-mezzosoprano ( Sweden ),
- He colloborate with conducters such as:
- Marcio Da Silva ( England – Brasil )
- Nayden Todorv ( Bulgaria )
- Tomoslav Shopov ( Macedonia )
- Emir Nuhanoviq ( Bosnia Hercegovina )
- Arber Dhomi ( Holand )
- Oleg Arapi ( Albania )
- Rafet Rudi ( Kosovo )
- Desar Sylejmani (Germany)
- Kushtrim Gashi (Germany)
Luan Durmishi Born on 11.02.1982, I studied elementary, high school and the Faculty and Master in Pristina.
Currently, from 2019, I work at UBT as a lecturer of Vocal Performance.
Main public presentations:
- 2020 Kosovo Philharmonic –New Year Concert
- 2019 Opera „Gof“ -Prishtina
- 2018 Charity concert for the famous director Bekim Lumi , Prishtina
- 2018 Soloist at the Choir concert of the Kosovo Philharmonic with conductor Marcio Da Silva.
- 2017 Soloist concert , Amphitheatres of University Libraries , Prishtina.
- 2017 Music performance ‘’Hypefaith’’ Montparnasse , Paris.
- 2017 Multimedia Center, performance ‘’55 shades of gay’’ director B.Neziraj National Theatre Kosovo.
- 2017 Multimedia Center, performance ‘’55 shades of gay’’ contemporary ‘’Desire’’ festival , Subotica.
- 2016 Soloist concert ‘’Mother’’ with fameous pianist Ashot Khachatourian, Prishtina, Kosovo. 2015 Opera ‘’Cosi fan tutte’’ by W.A.Mozart from summer music academy, National Theatre, Kosovo.
- 2015 Labor Theatre ‘’Loja’’, performance ‘’John Cgae’s Hmalet, director Bekim Lumi, Prishtina, Kosovo.
- 2015 Days of Kosovan culture with Orchestra ‘’Rexho Mulliqi’’, Culture Palace , Tetova , Macedonia.
- 2015 Concert with Orchestra ‘’Rexho Mulliqi’’, Prishtina, Kosovo.
- 2014 Kinder und Jungendballet, special guest at palace of culture Bitterfeld Germany.
- 2014 Opera ‘’Bastien and Bastiene’’ by W.A.Mozart National Theatre Prishtina Kosovo. 2013 Organized concert by the vocal institute ‘’Voce Doro’’ Honesdale Pannsylvania USA.
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- CV Msc. Luan Durmishi
- 2013 Gala Concert of Kosovo Academy of Science and Arts, Hall of ASHAK, Prishtina, Kosovo
- 2013 Assocciatiob of Kosovo Composers/Days of Kosovo Music. National and University Library of Kosovo, Prishtina.
- 2012 Opera &Film Music for New Year Gala Concert of Symphonic Orchestra of Kosovo Philharmony Opera, Red hall, Prishtina, Kosovo
- 2012 concert of the Academy of Science and Arts of Kosovo “100 years of state” – Hall of ASHAK, Prishtina, Kosovo
- 2012 concert of the Chamber Music Orchestra “Rexho Mulliqi”, “100 yeard state” – “Diar” hall at the Swiss Diamond Hotel, Prishtina
- 2012 humanitarian concert organized by the Chamber Music Orchestra “Rexho Mulliqi”, “For Bjondina Dermaku”, ‘Diar’ – Concertal hall of the Swiss Diamond hotel.
- 2012 Albanian Cultural Days in Republic of Croatia/ Mimara Museum, Zagreb, Croatia.
- 2011 concert with the Chamber Music Orchestra “Rexho Mulliqi”, prestigious theatre “La Palace”, Paris.
- 2010 solo concert in honor of the great humanist “Mother Theresa”, Andra cathedral, Graz, Austria.
- 2009 semi solo concert, Red hall, Palace of Youth, Prishtina, Kosovo. 2009 – awarded third place in the “Jorgjija Truja” competition with the orchestra of TOKB in Tirana, Albania.
- 2009 solo concert, International Festival “Ulcin Summer Scene”, Ulcinj, Montenegro.
- 2009 Christmas&New Year Concert/ Symphonic Orchestra of Kosovo Philharmony
- Opera, Red Hall, Prishtina, Kosovo.
- 2008 “ The Three Bridges”- Kosovo, Ukraine, Austria, in Theatre Lalish, Vienna, Austria.
- 2008 solo concert, Red hall, Palace of Youth, Prishtina, Kosovo. 2007 – solo concert, Theatre “Wolkhause”, Zurich, Switzerland.
- 2008 International Festival REMUSICAPrishtine,Kosovo
- 2008 Christmas New Year Concert/Symphonic Orchestra of Kosova Philharmony in cooperation with Mecedoniana Opera&Ballet, Youth center concert Hall, Pristina
- 2007 International Festival REMUSICA, Prishtina Kosovo
- 2007 International Festival of young musiciansDAM,Prishtina, Kosovo
- 2007 The Festival MUSIC DAYS, Skopje,Macedonia
- 2007 The Festival HISTRIA, Pule, Porec, Croatia
- 2007 The Festival CULTURE DAYS of Albanian -Switzerland, Zurich, Switzerland.
- 2007 Charity Concert under the patronage of the German Liaison Mission Mr. Karl Wokalek for the benefit of the University children’s clinic, Red hall, Prishtina, Kosovo
- 2007 Three Young Tenors Concert, Culture Center “Rexhep Mitrovica”, Mitrovica,
- Kosovo.
- 2006 solo concert, National Theatre, Prishtina.
- 2006 International Festival ARS KOSOVA, Prishtina,Kosovo – awarded first place 2006 -International 2006 – Festival of young musicians DAM,Prishtine, Kosovo
- 2006 Europe Day/ Symphonic Orchestra of Kosova Philharmony, Red Hall, Prishtina, Kosovo.
- 2006 Homage Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 2006), Art Center/Prishtina
- University, Kosovo
- 2003 The Festival of MUSIC,THEATRE and MOVIE, Sarajevo, Bosnia
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- CV Msc. Luan Durmishi
- He has worked with notable international artists:
- Ashot Khachatourian – pianist ( Belgium – Armenia ).
- Alexandre Dubach – violinist ( Switzerland ).
- Nigar Hasib – singer ( Austria )
- Petya Ivanova- soprano ( Bulgaria ),
- Maria Herlin-soprano ( Sweden ),
- Eva Halber-mezzosoprano ( Sweden ),
- He colloborate with conducters such as:
- Marcio Da Silva ( England – Brasil )
- Nayden Todorv ( Bulgaria )
- Tomoslav Shopov ( Macedonia )
- Emir Nuhanoviq ( Bosnia Hercegovina )
- Arber Dhomi ( Holand )
- Oleg Arapi ( Albania )
- Rafet Rudi ( Kosovo )
- Desar Sylejmani (Germany)
- Kushtrim Gashi (Germany)