Jorida Xhafaj
- Dr.Sc.
- Full Time Staff
Assistant Professor Dr. Jorida Xhafaj possesses 17 years of experience in teaching and 6 years of experience in management of higher education institutions and 10 years of experience as an expert in various international projects.
• Senior Expert at the EU Founded project “Supporting Civil Code of Kosovo ” – phase II
• Expert at project “The transformation process from in-campus classes into online classes due to COVID-19 pandemic situation – the case of Higher Education Institutions in Kosovo, founded by Ministry of Education and Technology, Kosovo
• Expert in the project Legal Aid, Litigation on Property and Inheritance Rights of Women, and Capacity Building for Young Lawyers, Founded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
• Expert of EU Founded project “Supporting Civil Code of Kosovo ” – phase I
• Member of the Drafting Committee of the Law on Higher Education and Research in the Republic of Albania in force, 2014-2015
• Representative of Albania in the regional meeting to ratify the Convention “On preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence”
- Xhafaj, J (2010) "Legal Effects of Stabilization and Association Agreement in the national rule of Law of the non-member states – Albanian Case”, regional conference "The Way Forward: The Future of Democracy in the Balkans", March 27, 2010, Budva, Montenegro;
- Xhafaj, J (2010), "The Trade Unions in the process of approaching the Albanian Legislation to the “Acquis Communitaire”, International conference on "Challenges of Albania's Integration in the European Union" organized by Albanian University in cooperation with the University La Sapienza of Rome and Tirana University;
- Xhafaj, J (2011), "Right of Information", 48th Scientific Conference of the University "Angel Kanchev" 28-29 October 2011, Bulgaria;
- Xhafaj, J (2011) "The right of information, an international human right", proceedings of the international conference "Education in turbulent times - the Albanian case in European and global context", 21-22 November 2011 Albania;
- Xhafaj, J (2-11) "Supervision of Personal Data ", Scientific conference "New Albanian legislation", organized by the University of Tirana, December 18, 2011, Tirana;
- Xhafaj, J, J. (2012) Referring in the Scientific Session of researchers in Bulgaria. Published paper on April 2012, Sofia;
- Xhafaj, J (2012) "Constitutional regulation of freedom of access to information and freedom of respect for private life", Socio-Economic Journal, Albania;
- Xhafaj, J, (2012) "International transfer of personal data", National Scientific Conference "Albanian legislation in consolidation", organized by the Albanian University and the Faculty of Law of the Tirana University, on May 8, 2012, Tirana;
- Xhafaj, J, (2012) "Right to information, a key role for active democracy ", Scientific conference organized by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, May 11, 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria;
- Xhafaj, J. (2012) "The re-dimensioning of marital property regime during the development of family law in Albania", International conference "Tradition, development, progress, and challenges of the 100 years of the founding of the Albanian state", organized by the Albanian University and Albanian Speaking University Network, November 22, 2012, Albania;
- Xhafaj, J (2013) "Restrictions on Privacy for Public Interest, Security and Defense", International conference on "State, Society, Laws, Regional co-operation". Albania;
- Xhafaj, J, (2014) "Protection of personal data in the public administration sector", Socio-Economic Journal, Albania;
- Xhafaj, J (2014) Presented subject: "The complexity of violence in the family from a juridical point of view", international conference on "Criminal law and its implementation". March 2014, Tirana;
- Xhafaj, J, Katro, E., (2015) “Data protection in Albania. A comparative overview of Albanian and Bulgarian general data protection legislation”, published on the scientific review “Diritto & Diritti”, Rome, Italy;
- Xhafaj, Jorida and Frakulli, Almarin (2017) "The impact of public interest in the information privacy: Analyze of the ECtHR Decisions," International Journal of Business and Technology: Vol. 6 : Iss. 1 , Article 2. DOI: 10.33107/ijbte.2017.6.1.02;
- Xhafaj, J (2017) “The legal regime of women property rights in Kosovo”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER) (ISSN 2229-5518), Publication for Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2017;
- Xhafaj, J (2018) “The Right to Erasure Under the General Regulation of Data Protection”, presented in the 7th UBT International Conference on Law, IC-LAW, October 2018, Albania and full paper published in the book of proceedings of Conference;
- Xhafaj, J (2019) “The financial implications of the to be forgotten”, referring to the 15th International ASECU Conference, Sofia 2019, Bulgaria;
- Xhafaj, J, (2019)“The Right to Be Forgotten: A Controversial Topic Under the General Data Protection Regulation Referring in the international conference on "Legal Science: Functions, Significance and Future in Legal Systems" Latvia, Riga;
- Xhafaj, J, HAziri F., “Domestic Violence in Kosovo 2010-2019”, in” Justicia” International Journal of Legal Sciences, Vol. 9/No.15-16 2021 (accepted 2020)
- Xhafaj, J., Hoxha, V. and Beka, Q.,(2021) “The legal governance of online learning and the higher education institutions’ approach in Kosovo” Journal of Governance and Regulation ISSN – 2306-6784, 2022