Egzona Osmanaj
- Dr.Sc.
- Full Time Staff
- Osmanaj, E.,L.,Osmanaj(2014) Adaption of Student Qualifications with Labour Market Needs in Kosovo. Regional Higher Education Conference.South East European University.
- Osmanaj, E.,(2014) Kontrata për Sigurimin Konferenca e pare më titull: “Strategjitë e menaxhimit kulturor të turizmit në Kosovë dhe Shqipëri”Pejë 26-27 Nëntor 2014. Organizuar nga QKZH në bashkëpunim më Universitetin e Vlorës, "Ismail Qemali",etj.
- Jashari, A.,Osmanaj,E.(2015)Vendimet e gjykates se shkalles së dytë lidhur me ankesat e ushtruara kundër vendimeve të dhëna në proceduren civile kontestimore.Konferenca e dyte rajonale me teme: “Hulumtimi dhe shkenca në shekullin e dytë të pavarësisë së Shqipërisë”, Pejë 26 Nëntor 2015.
- Jashari, A.,Osmanaj,E.(2015)Vendimet e gjykates se shkalles së dytë lidhur me ankesat e ushtruara kundër vendimeve të dhëna në proceduren civile kontestimore.Konferenca e dyte rajonale me teme: “Hulumtimi dhe shkenca në shekullin e dytë të pavarësisë së Shqipërisë”, Pejë 26 Nëntor 2015.
- Jashari, A.,Osmanaj,E.(2014)Ankesa kundër aktgjykimit në proceduren civile kontestimore. Konferenca e Parë Shkencore Regjionale Kosovë, Shqipëri, Maqedoni, Serbi, Mali i Zi. Më temë: ‘‘E drejta dhe kultura politike faktor ndikues në ndërtimin e shtetit modern” 20 shtator Gjilan 2014.
- Osmanaj, E.,(2014) Judicial power in Republic of Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania. (Comparative Aspects). International Scientific Conference under the general theme "Rule of Law and Democracy“. State University of Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia.March 2014.
- Osmanaj, E., (2014) The impact of legalized prostitution on human trafficking.Regional Science Conference With International Participation With The Theme Fostering Sustainable Development through creation of Knowledge Society.May 17-18th, 2014.Peja,Republic of Kosovo.
- Osmanaj,L.,Osmanaj,E,.(2014)Copyright, legislative aspect in Republic of Kosovo . Regional Science Conference With International Participation With The Theme Fostering Sustainable Development through creation of Knowledge Society.May 17-18th, 2014.Peja,Republic of Kosovo.
- Osmanaj, E.,Jashari,A. (2016) Mbrojtja juridike e konsumatorëve në bazë të dispozitave te ligjit për marrëdhënie të detyrimeve në Kosovë dhe Maqedoni. Konferenca e tretë më temë: “Roli i shkencës në zhvillimin e sistemit ekonomik, politik, social dhe juridik të vendit”. Nëntor 2016. Organizuar nga QKZH, në bashkëpunim më Universitetin e Vlorës, "Ismail Qemali", Kolegjin Dukagjini etj.
- Osmanaj, E., (2015) Family inheritance according to legislation in force in Kosovo and problems in practice. The 4-th Iternational Multidisplinary Conference in Integrating Science in New Global Challenges.Dubrovnik, Croatia 27-29 March 2015.Proceedings of the 4-th Iternational Multidisplinary on Integrating Science in New Global Challenges Dubrovnik.Vol. no 2 Pg.51-57.
- Osmanaj, E.,Jashari,A. (2017) Transformimi i shoqërive tregtare prej një formë në formë tjetër në Maqedoni, Kosovë dhe Shqipëri-Aspekt krahasimor.Konferenca e IV-Multidisiplinore më temë: “Roli i shkencës në zhvillimin e sistemit të edukimit shkollor dhe universitar, të sistemit ekonomik, politik , social dhe juridik në shekullin e ri.” Pejë Nëntor 2017. Organizuar nga QKZH në bashkëpunim më Universitetin e Vlorës, "Ismail Qemali", Kolegjin Dukagjini etj.
- Osmanaj, E., (2018) The Right Of Woman To Inheritance According To The Albanian Customary Law. 7th International Conference on Law, 26-28 October, 2018, Prishtinë, Kosova Organizers: -UBT, Faculty of LAW Albanian University -Public University of Durrës.
- Jashari, A. and Osmanaj, E. (2018) Curt resolve of the commercial disputes in the republic of Kosovo in the period 2013-2015. 31st International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development-“Legal Challenges of Modern World”. Split, 7-8 June 2018. (Book of Proceedings).
- Xhafaj.,J., Osmanaj, E., (2019). Adjusting of the court testament according to positive legislation in Kosovo and its practical application for the period 2009-2010. 8th International Conference on Law, 26-28 October, 2019, Prishtinë, Kosova Organizers: -UBT, Faculty of LAW.26-28 October, 2019.
- Osmanaj, E. and Pllana, I. (2020). Protecting of Effective Competition in Kosovo Market. Annual UBT Conference ICLAW 2021, 30-31 October 2019, Prishtina, Kosovo.
- Osmanaj, E (2020) Restriction of Testamentary Freedom-Comparative Aspects.International Conference “Perspectives of Business Law in the Third Millennium”. Bucharest, Romania, on November 13, 2020.
- Jashari, A.,E.,Osmanaj.(2021) Covid 19, as circumstances for non-implementation of the “pacta sunt servanda” principle. In Rule of Law, Governance and Society In The Time Of Pandemic. Book of Porceeedings of 2nd Online International Scientific Conference on Social and Legal Sciences (OISCSLS ’20). 33-45, 7/2021.
- Osmanaj, E.,Jashari,A. (2021) The impact of Covid-19 on the implementation of the competition law in relation to cooperation between competitors. Annual UBT Conference ICLAW 2021, 30-31 October 2021, Prishtina, Kosovo.
- Osmanaj,E., (2014) Kontrata për Sigurimin.Reviste Studimore Shkencore Interdisciplinare “Dardania” Nr.3 Nëntor 2014. ISSN 1800-9794.COBISS.CG-ID 20683538. Pg.. 327-344. Osmanaj,E., (2013) Parliamentary control of the Government .Research Journal Empirikus. No 7(8),2013. ISSN.2336.9426.COBISS.CG.-ID 22703888.Pg. 281-298
- Osmanaj,E., (2014) Judicial power in Republic of Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania. (Comparative Aspects). Scientific Journal Centrum No.2 2014, Skopje. ISSN: 1857-8640 (printed version) ISSN: 1857- 9396 (electronic version).Pg.177-205
- Osmanaj,L.,Osmanaj,E,.(2014)Copyright, legislative aspect in Republic of Kosovo. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy. Vol 3 No 2.June 2014.E-ISSN 2281-4612.ISSN 2281-3993. Pg.113-122.
- Osmanaj,E., (2014) The impact of legalized prostitution on human trafficking. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies MCSER Publishing,Rome-Italy Vol 3 No 2.June 2014 .E-ISSN 2281-4612.ISSN 2281-3993.Pg.103-110.
- Jashari, A., Osmanaj, E., (2014)Complaint against a judgement in civil proceedings contested. Visions, International Magazine for Social Sciences, Skopje. No 22 (1) 2014 Skopje.September 2014. ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form ISSN 1857- 9221-electronic form UDC 34.04: 342.4
- Osmanaj,E., (2015) Vendimet e gjykates se shkalles së dytë lidhur me ankesat e ushtruara kundër vendimeve të dhëna në proceduren civile kontestimore.Reviste Studimore Shkencore Interdisciplinare “Dardania” Nr.3 Nëntor 2015.SSN 1800-9794.COBISS.CG-ID 20683538.Pg.19-30
- Jashari, A., Osmanaj, E., (2016) Mbrojtja juridike e konsumatorëve në bazë të dispozitave të ligjit për marrëdhënie të detyrimeve në Kosovë dhe Maqedoni. Reviste Studimore Shkencore Interdisciplinare “Dardania”. Nr.5 Nëntor 2016. ISSN 1800-9794. COBISS.CG-ID 20683538.2016 Pg 18-38.
- Jashari, A., Osmanaj, E., (2016) Initiation of inheritance procedure according to positive legislation in Kosovo and problems in practice. International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy (IJMRA). ISSN 2249-2496 Volume 6, Issue 8 (August 2016) .Pg.94-117
- Jashari, A., Osmanaj, E., (2016) Types of testaments in Albania and France. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences No2 2016 Austria, Vienna. ISSN 2414-2344 No2 2016 August Pg.71-79
- Osmanaj,E., (2017) Regulation of testament presence of witnesses and notarial testament according to the law of Kosovo comparing wiht the law of EU-countries. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research.Volume 8, Issue 2, February-2017 511 ISSN 2229-5518. Pg 511- 516.
- Osmanaj,E., (2017) Forms of testaments according to the Macedonian and German Law.The European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Vienna. No 4.2019.ISSN 2414-2344.The journal has the GIF impact factor .211 for 2017.Premier Publishing s.r.o.Pg.124-131.
- Jashari, A., Osmanaj, E., (2019) Legal treatment of franchise in Northern Macedonia and Republic of Kosovo, Juridical Tribune-Tribuna Juridica Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2019. Pg.618-627.www.tribunajuridica.eu
- Osmanaj,E., (2021) Restriction of Testamentary Freedom-Comparative Aspects: Journal Perspectives of Law and Public Administration; Bucharest Vol. 10, Issue. 1, (March 2021): 95-101.