Aida Gjikolli
- Master
- Full Time Staff
Unë Aida Gjikolli kam lindur më 21.09.1966 në Pejë
Shkollën fillore e kam kryer në Pejë dhe paralelisht kam kryer edhe shkollën e ulët të muzikës – Piano.
Shkollën e mesme (1984) dhe Fakultetin i kam përfunduar në Prishtinë (1988).
Vitet 2011– 2013 FMU-Shkup dhe UNIVERSUM Prishtinë Master i Arteve në menaxhment
Vitet 2015 – 2016 Universiteti i Arteve Tiranë-Fakulteti i Muzikës- Master –Pedagogji Muzikore-Solfezh
Përvoja e Punës
- Që nga viti 1983-1985 kam filluar punën e parë në “ Collegium Cantorum”.
- Nga viti 1985 kam filluar punën në shkollën e Muzikës “Prenk Jakova” Prishtinë si Prof. e Pianos gjer në vitin 1990.
- Nga vitet 1990 – 1994 kam punuar si Prof.Piano SH.U.M.”Halit Kasapolli”, Pejë
- Vitet 1994 – 1999 kam qenë Drejtoreshë SH.U.M.”Halit Kasapolli”, Pejë.
- Në vitet 2000-2004 Kam punuar si Korepetitore në Korin e qytetit dhe teater , Himmelpforten – Hamburg-Gjermani
- Viti 2004 e tutje punoj si prof e Pianos në Shkollën e Muzikës “Prenk Jakova” Prishtinë.
Përvoja e Punës Ne UBT dhe Univesitete tjera:
- 2009 – 2011 Prof e angazhuar AAB University Prof. e muzikes- Njohje instrumentesh, Prishtinë .
- 2011- 2013 Ligjeruese e angazhuar Fakulteti i Arteve Universiteti Publik “ Haxhi Zeka” Pejë.
- 2014- 2019 Koordinatore për cilësi ne Sh.M.M. “Prenk Jakova” Prishtinë .
- 2019-aktual Ligjeruese UBT, Prishtinë.
I, Aida Gjikolli, was born on 21.09.1966 in Peja
I completed primary school in Pejë and at the same time I also completed junior music school – Piano.
I finished high school (1984) and the Faculty in Pristina (1988).
Years 2011– 2013 FMU-Skopje and UNIVERSUM Prishtina Master of Arts in Management
Years 2015 – 2016 Tirana University of Arts – Faculty of Music – Master – Music Pedagogy – Solfege
Work experience
- From 1983-1985 I started my first job at “Collegium Cantorum”.
- From 1985 I started working at the Music School “Prenk Jakova” in Pristina as Prof. of Piano until 1990
- From the years 1990 – 1994, I worked as a piano professor at Halit Kasapolli University of Pejë.
- In the years 1994 – 1999, I was the Director of “Halit Kasapolli” S.U.M., Pejë.
- In the years 2000-2004 I worked as a Choir in the City Choir and Theater, Himmelpforten – Hamburg – Germany
- Since 2004, I have been working as a piano teacher at the “Prenk Jakova” Music School in Pristina.
Work Experience at UBT and other Universities:
- 2009 – 2011 Prof engaged AAB University Prof. of music – Recognition of instruments, Pristina.
- 2011- 2013 Engaged lecturer, Faculty of Arts, Public University “Haxhi Zeka” Pejë.
- 2014- 2019 Quality Coordinator at Sh.M.M. “Prenk Jakova” Prishtina.
- 2019-current Legislative UBT, Pristina. Awards
- 2010-2011 Award 2 years in a row in international competitions inBarletta, Italy – as Prof. and the most successful organizer of competitions.
- 2012 Pejë-For the special contribution to Classical Music Directorate for culture, youth and sports – Pejane culture over the years – Honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award
- 2014 Diploma for success achieved in international competitions in Dojran First prize, North Macedonia
- 2017 Diploma for success achieved in international competitions 2 Absolute Awards 100 points, Skopje, North Macedonia
- 2019 Acknowledgment for the successes achieved in 2019, from DKAPristina
- 2019 Acknowledgment from Prenk Jakova School
- 2019 Acknowledgment “ArsKosova” for the success shown
- 2019 Diploma, as a jury member in international competitions