Punime të shumta shkencore nga fusha e Mekatronikës dhe Energjisë Efiçiente prezantohen në Konferencën Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion
29/10/2018Inxhinieria e Energjisë Efiçiente, si pjesë e Konferencës Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion, përfundoi aktivitetin e vet me trajtimin e një numri të madh temash dhe me nxjerrjen e shumë konkludimeve e rekomandimeve, përmes ndjekjes së të cilave mund të zgjidhen problemet e botës moderne në këtë fushë.
Temat dhe prezantuesit që e pasuruan fushën e Energjisë Efiçiente në këtë konferencë ishin:
Chair: Peter P, Groumpos
Co – Chair: Robert Kosova
Invited Speaker – Peter P, Groumpos – Near zero energyy buildinds: The way to develop future intelligent cities
Waste management and recycling in the Municipality of Mitrovica in the economic and environmental aspect , Besa Veseli, Vehebi Sofiu, Sami Gashi
Efficient energy building and Integrating construction pollution control, Afrim Syla
FPGA multi-core processors power consumption: soft-core vs. hard-core, Marsida Ibro, Gerti Kallbaqi
Efficient Lighting Management in School Facilities, Fevzi Osmani, Lutfi Bina
Emission reduction opportunities of Coal-Fired Steam Generator, Marigona Krasniqi, Risto Filkoski
An aplication of MCDA method to evaluate and select the most suitable landfill sites for urban waste. A project case study for Berat County. Albania, Robert Kosova, Fabiana Cullhaj, Teuta Thanasi, Arben Reka, Taulant Kullolli, Gjergji Thanasi
Dynamics of improvement of some physico-chemical parameters in Lumbardhi River of Prizren from urban water discharges for the year 2018 compared to the year 2017, Gashi Sami, Besa Veseli, Drini Petrit
Chair: Edmond Hajrizi
Co – Chair: Vehebi Sofiu
Trends Technology Innovation and application of SMART Managing System Operation for the future, Vehebi Sofiu
Performance analysis of a 3.9 kWp grid connected photovoltaic system with different types of module, and different slope angles, Nafije Shabani, Vjollca Komoni
Innovative Smart Urban Traffic, Ines Bula, Edmond Hajrizi
The Benefit of alternative energy from the system of the solar collectors in several cities in Kosovo, Vehebi Sofiu
Exergetic Analysis of a Cogeneration System for Cooling and Heating, Alexandru Serban, Mariana-Florentina Stefanescu, Liviu Drughean, Gabriel Nastase, Mihaela Ciocan, Sorin Bucsa, Alexandru Dobrovicescu
Possible Options for Modernization and Energy Efficiency of TPP Oslomej, Imer Zenku
Environmental benefits from using solar panels for electrical energy production, Afete-Shala Musliu, Veton Gjelaj
Chair: Peter Kopacek
Co – Chair: Ines Bula
Invited Speaker – Peter Kopacek – Ethics in Production Automation Roboethics
Chipboard Production: Simulation of the Gluing Process, Carina Roessler, Martin Riegler, Felix Breitenecker
Human-Robot Guitar Duo – Examples of enabling embedded musical scores through human robot interaction/automatization, Liburn Jupolli
Challenges in Medical Robotics, Prosthetics and Artificial Organs, Liridona Ajeti
Designing a controller via Simulated Annealing, Zemerart Asani, Selvet Rexhepi
PID Tuning Algorithm for Speed and Position Control of Brushless DC Motor, Xhemajl Mehmeti, Peter Kopacek
Automated System of Greenhouse to Cultivate Pleurotus Ostreatus Mushrooms, Griselda Alushllari
Chair: Bertan Karahoda
Co – Chair: Valmir Hoxha
PLC to PLC Interfacing and Simulation for Education and Industrial Process Simulation, Valmir Hoxha
Design of recursive digital filters (IIR), Edona Kadriu, Lutfi Bina
Cloud oriented Additive Technology use for Fast Prototype Development, Betim Shabani, Vladimir Dukovski
The Importance of CAD/CAE systems in development of Product Design and Process of Optimization, Fatmir Azemi, Xhemajl Mehmeti
Systematic Approach to Performance Improvement of Installation and Maintenance of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC): The Case of Kosova Businesses, Liridon Dauti
Exploratory Research to Recycling Potential in Kosovo, Fatmir Prekupi
Business Performance Improvement Perception Using Business process Re-engineering (BPR): The case of Kosova SMEs, Uran Mujku