Në Konferencën Ndërkombëtare të Stomatologjisë prezantohen shumë punime shkencore nga specialistë vendorë e ndërkombëtarë
30/10/2021Konferenca Ndërkombëtare e Stomatologjisë në UBT, këtë vit ka bërë bashkë shumë hulumtues dhe shkencëtarë të fushës së stomatologjisë.
Studiuesit e kësaj lëmie kanë prezantuar dhe diskutuar tema të ndryshme të cilat janë aktuale për fushën e stomatologjisë e që i preokupojnë ata.
Punimet dhe hulumtimet e dorëzuara dhe prezantuara në Konferencën e Stomatologjisë janë:
Sesioni i parë
Chair: Burim Kiseri
Co – Chair: Merita Barani
- “Digital Complete Dentures”, Çağatay Dayan
- “Platelet rich fibrin and sticky bone for subperiostal periimplant augmented layer technique”, Özgür Öztürk
- “Types of sutures in oral surgery”, Biljana Evrosimovska
- “Fiber and ziconium posts and adhesion with different cements”, Vesna Jurukovska Shotarovska
- “Analyzes of fracture resistance of endodontic teeth, restored with titanium, fiber and zirconium posts system”, Vesna Jurukovska Shotarovska
- “The effect of new internal ferrule design preparation on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated central incisors”, Sašo Jovanovski
Sesioni i dytë
Chair: Dukagjin Sokoli
Co – Chair: Vjosa Hamiti
- “Cytotoxicity of endodontic irrigants”, Donika Bajrami
- “Prosthetic challenge in treatment of missing bilateral maxillary incisors- Case Report”, Natasha Stavreva
- “Secondary caries susceptibility in prosthodontics correlated to marginal gap”, Aneta Mijoska
- “Correlation between the dmft score of 6 year children and the concentration of fluoride in drinking water from the South-East region of the Republic of Macedonia”, Vesna Ambarkova
- “Artifacts in the bostian locality of Zhunica-Presevo”, Naser Kamberi
Sesioni i tretë
Chair: Aida Rexhepi
Co – Chair: Xhevdet Aliu
- “Pharmacologic therapy in temporomandibular disorders”, Burim Kiseri
- ”The impact of edentulism on oral health and quality of life of patients”, Dugagjin Sokoli
- “Determination of mercury from dental amalgam fillings in hard tissue of the teeth in vitro conditions”, Nexhmije Ajeti
- “Prevalence and modalities of treatment of large odontogenic cysts in the population of Kosovo – a series of 69 cases”, Ferjal Perjuci
- “Impact of the post space preparation on the remaining filling in endodontically treated teeth”, Valdet Iseini
- “Differences in maintaining oral hygiene of children in the municipality of Suhareka”, Suela Hoxha
Sesioni i katërt
Chair: Ferial Perjuci
Co – Chair: Mirsad Shkreta
- “Frequency of oral parafunctions in dental students from the Ubt college faculty of dentistry“, Teuta Komoni
- “Frequency of dental anomalies in sagittal plane”, Uran Halimi
- “The psychosocial impact of dental aesthetics in UBT patients”, Arta Gjikolli
- “Dental management considerations for the patients with diabetes mellitus in oral surgery and pediatric dentistry”, Vullnet Fazliu, Aferdita Gashi – Rizaj
- “Assessing quality of life using the oral health impact profile”, Vlora Berisha