Konferenca Ndërkombëtare e Shkencave Kompjuterike dhe Inxhinierisë në UBT: Eksplorimi i inovacionit në fusha të ndryshme
28/10/2023Konferenca Ndërkombëtare e Shkencave Kompjuterike dhe Inxhinierisë në UBT ka përfshirë tre sesione që janë përqendruar në tema të ndryshme. Kjo konferencë ka ofruar një eksplorim të ndryshëm të shkencave kompjuterike dhe teknologjisë, duke përfshirë zgjidhje inovative për sfidat e botës reale në sektorë të ndryshëm.
Inxhinieria Softuerike, Inteligjenca Artificiale dhe Siguria dhe Komunikimi në Rrjet janë disa nga tematikat kryesore që kanë karakterizuar këtë konferencë, duke ofruar perspektiva të ndryshme të ekspertëve të kompjuterikes dhe inxhinierisë.
Sesioni i parë – Software Engineering
Chair: Edmond Jahjaga
Co – Chair: Blerim Zylfiu
- “Design and development of high performance and scalable recommendation mechanism using Kafka, Spring Boot and collaborative filtering algorithms” – Ilirian Thaçi, Edmond Jajag;
- “Development of a computer – based platform. Impact of these platforms on the field of education” – Denis Kolaj, Besnik Qehaja, Elton Boshnjaku;
- “Development of the application for cinema management with .net technology” – Enise Hasanaj, Lavdim Beqiri;
- “Cloud applications leveraging serverless and container resources” – Fisnik Doko;
- “Case management system” – Fat Sijarina, Blerim Zylfiu;
- “Navigating the Future of Hospital Management: A Digital Solution for Departmental Coordination” – Gresa Shala, Vehbi Sofiu, Faton Kabashi, Lamir Shkurti, Mirlinda Selimaj;
- “Creating a Block-Diagram System for Continuous and Discrete-Time Signals” – Vehbi Sofiu, Gresa Shala, Faton Kabashi, Lamir Shkurti, Mirlinda Selimaj;
- “Advancing Communication Efficiency: A Study of WebRTC, WebSockets, REDIS, and MongoDB in a Social Network Platform” – Genc Abazi, Xhelal Jashari;
- “System for registration and management of workers” – Edison Kastrati, Faton Kabashi, Lamir Shkurti;
- “A DSL Framework for requirements engineering” – Tea Tavanxhiu, Kozeta Sevrani;
- “Face recognition algorithms in recordings student attendance during lectures” – Hizer Leka, Fitore Tahiri;
- “Express Mail Management System” – Alma Novobërdaliu, Blerim Zylfiu;
- “Dormitory management system for UBT College” – Bleona Gërbavci, Blerim Zylfiu;
- “Development and Evaluation of a Real-Time Communication Web Application Using WebSocket’s, React, Node.js, and MongoDB” – Albijon Hyseni, Lamir Shkurti, Faton Kabashi, Vehbi Sofiu;
- “Automated Design Pattern Generator: Empowering Student Learning in Software Design” – Blerina Rrmoku, Edmond Jajaga;
- “Architecture for communication between the user interface and the server (BFF-Backend For Frontend)” – Muhamet Avdyli, Muhamet Sadiku.
Sesioni i dytë – Artificial Intelligence
Chair: Bertan Karahoda
Co – Chair: Lavdim Menxhiqi
- “Review of Artificial Intelligence Implementation in Electronic Design Automation Methods and Tools” – Katerina Kostova, Lavdim Menxhiqi, Blerim Zylfiu, Galia Marinova;
- “A Comparative Analysis of Pathfinding Algorithms in NPC Movement Systems for Computer Games” – Vesa Morina, Rinesa Rafuna;
- “Using the internet of things in personal health” – Hizer Leka, Eros Mehmeti;
- “Machine Learning and its impact on everyday life” – Hizer Leka, Rina Ademi;
- “Efficient Spam Email Detection with WEKA: A Comparative Analysis of Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, and J48 Decision Tree Algorithms” – Greta Ahma, Edmond Hajrizi;
- “Internet of Things (IoT) in Health care” – Ibadete Gashi, Faton Kabashi;
- “Deep learning’s impact on autonomous vehicle evolution” – Endrit Berisha, Faton Kabashi, Lamir Shkurti, Vehbi Sofiu, Mirlinda Selimaj;
- “Internet of things (IOT) in education: Opportunities and Challenges” – Labinot Krasniqi, Faton Kabashi.
Sesioni i tretë – Security and Network Communications
Chair: Zhilbert Tafa
Co – Chair: Xhafer Krasniqi
- “5G sustainability and Use of 5G to support other sectors to become more sustainable” – Xhafer Krasniqi, Edmond Hajrizi;
- “Passive Optical Network with Modular Optical Line Terminal in Software Defined Environment” – Jakup Ratkoceri ;
- “Automation and optimization of computer networks” – Valdon Vitija, Besnik Qehaja, Edmond Hajrizi;
- “The Evolution of Computer Network Automation” – Rinor Neziraj, Lavdim Beqiri, Besnik Qehaja;
- “IoT-Based Smart Garden System” – Milot Morina, Astrit Hulaj, Besnik Qehaja;
- “Blockchain in education: opportunities, applications and challenges” – Elira Shala, Faton Kabashi, Lamir Shkurti, Mirlinda Selimaj, Laura Gjikokaj;
- “Using blockchain in health care” – Erodina Sejdiu, Faton Kabashi;
- “Usage of the fractional functions of the form f(x)=(ax+b)/(cx+d),cx+d ≠0 for data encryption and decryption” – AzirJusufi, Meriton Reqica, Mirlinda Reqica;
- “Using functions f:D_1 x D_2 x D_3→R^(3 )for encryption and decryption of data in space” – Azir Jusufi, Blinera Zekaj, Diellza Berisha, Bukurie Imeri – Jusufi;
- “Applying functions f:D_1 x D_2 x D_3→R^(3 ) f:D_1 x D_2→R^(2 ) for encryption and description of data within the field” – AzirJusufi, Blinera Zekaj, Diellza Berisha, Bukurie Imeri – Jusufi;
- “Optimization problems” – Nazmi Misni Poster.