Konferenca Ndërkombëtare e Arkitekturës dhe Planifikimit Hapësinor mblodhi shumë shkencëtarë e hulumtues shkencorë
28/10/2023Në Konferencën Ndërkombëtare të Arkitekturës dhe Planifikimit Hapësinor u prezantuan shumë punime nga studiues e hulumtues nga vendi, rajoni dhe Evropa.
Studiues të shumtë trajtuan tema të ndryshme në fushën e arkitekturës dhe urbanizmit si; sfida për hapësirat publike në qytete në kohën e ndryshimeve klimatike dhe lëvizjes urbane, planifikimi i burimeve dhe përdorimi i materialeve të qëndrueshme në ndërtim, hulumtime urbanistike dhe arkitektonike lidhur me mjedisin dhe hapësirat gjelbërta, arkitektura dhe inxhinieria për ndërtimet e qëndrueshme.
Punimet e dorëzuara dhe prezantuara në Konferencën e Arkitekturës dhe Planifikimit Hapësinor janë:
Sesioni i parë
Chair: Binak Beqaj
Co–Chair: Elvida Pallaska
- “New challenges for our cities´ public spaces creation in the time of climate change and new mobility trends” – Vladimíra Šilhánková, Michael Pondělíček;
- “Efficient Planning on resources” – Skender Kosumi
- “Transformative Cities, challenges towards resilient and green city (Case study: Prishtina)”- Binak Beqaj;
- “Balancing Energy, Economy, and Environment: Obiliqi’s complex urban challenges toward sustainable urban regeneration” – Rineta Jashari, Gearda Demiraj;
- “The historical and urbanistic study of Shadervan Prizren (old city center): An analyze of development of urbane space of last century – Urbanistic Plan Of 1965” – Shaindere Krasniqi Guri, Veron Tara;
- “Challenges and measures of defining road safety key performance indicators” -Visar Baxhuku, Alishukri Shkodra, Jeton Rexhepi;
- “Design and Planning Factors that influence the building’s’ users health – including physical health, mental health and well-being” – Blerta Vula, Paola Viloria Sáez, Mercedes del Rio Merino;
- “Understanding the Socio-Cultural Dynamics of Private Neighborhoods in Pristina’s Urban Development” – Blend Dema;
- “The impact of the public open space connections in the Calabria district of Prishtina” – Zejnulla Rexhepi, Safete Veliu.
Sesioni i dytë
Chair: Lulzim Beqiri
Co-Chair: Mimoza Sylejmani
- “The Development of the Mosques Architecture in Kosovo” – Bekim Ceko, Lulzim Beqiri;
- “The Brain Behind Design: Utilizing Neuroscience for Architectural Decision-Making” – Dea Lum;
- “ Construction Principles, Materials and Methods in Polyfunctional Interior Spaces” – Bardh Bajçinovci
- “Local Community Perceptions Towards Revitalization of Old Swimming Pool in Saraj, North Macedonia” – Fjolla Ibrahimi, Erda Besimi, Hafije Murati;
- “Navigating Cultural Biases in Smart City Models: An Analysis of Environmental and Social Implications”- Alessandro Masoni;
- “Landscape planning, environment and green spaces: Reorganization of space in Germia Park Prishtina (Kosovo)” – Nexhat Balaj;
- “The Right of Housing in Kosovo, Challenges of transformation of the permanent user right” – Ramë Hamzaj;
- “Form is Function: New Comprehension through Parametric Architecture” – Visar Shllaku;
- “An extensive background of urban unsustainability and searching for alternatives: Compact City, Resilient City and Smart City as alternative concepts and approaches towards urban sustainability” – Shqiprim Ahmeti;
- “From Sustainable to Regenerative Design” – Besa Jagxhiu.
Sesioni i tretë
Chair: Kujtim Elezi
Co-Chair: Bekim Çeko
- “Islamic cult monuments in Mitrovica and its surroundings”- Pajazit Hajzeri;
- “Modern architecture in the city of Tetova, 1945-1990” – Kujtim Elezi, Nuran Saliu;
- “Digital Techniques for the Accessibility and Promotion of Historical Buildings: A Case Study of the FormerYugoslavian Embassy in Tirana” – Dorina Papa;
- “Symbols and decorative elements in traditional residential building, called “Kulla”” – Zekë Islamaj, Bekim Ceko
- “Housing quality, an analytical approach of Typology and construction between the city of Ohri and Berat” – Kujtim Elezi, Nuran Saliu
- “Preliminary results on survey about noise pollution sources in Kosovo” Egzon Bajraktari, Katarina Palushaj, Lyra Bakija, Egzona Morina, Besart Ymeri;
- “Global organizations in the domain of Sustainable Architecture, emphasizing their support towards the building façade” – Kaltrina Spahiu;
- “The effect of soil type results on amplification analysis for area “Dheu i Bardhë” on seismic aspect” – Shemsi Mustafa, Besian Sinani, Visar Krelani
- “Passive Design Strategies for Resilient and Regenerative Buildings” -Ferhat Bejtullahu
- “Application of Energy Efficiency Measures in Military Buildings” – Petrit Ahmeti.
Sesioni i katërt
Chair: Petrit Ahmeti
Co-Chair: Kreshnik Muhaxheri
- “Application of renovation measures according to the Passive House standard in multi-residential buildings in Kosovo – Case study multi-residential in Peja”- Zexhina Shehu Vokshi; Petrit Ahmeti.
- “Exploring the Potential of Vertical Public Spaces in Architecture”- Blend Dema; Zana Prelvukaj
- “The design of residential buildings, over the years, in Pristina – Flexibility in architecture” -Ermira Muçiqi, Mimoza Sylejmani;
- “Spatial Standards of Apartment in Pristina: A Comparison of Floor Areas with European Countries”-Safete Veliu, Zejnullah Rexhepi;
- “Exploring Income Spaces: A Comparative Analysis of Human and Animal Habitats in Architecture”-Sanelina Sadiki, Shkurte Dalipi;
- “The reasons for the non-implementation of the current legislation for the legalization of construction without permission, in the Republic of Kosovo” -Venera Goxha;
- “The Significance of Location in Shopping Center Design”- Zana Prelvukaj;
- “Harmony in Motion: Kinetic Architecture as a Catalyst for Climate-Responsive Design” -Shkurte Dalipi, Sanelina Sadiki;
- “Extensive customer satisfaction survey of implemented energy efficiency measures in schools and public buildings in Kosovo” Kreshnik Muhaxheri, Blerta Berisha, Ramadan Alushaj;
- “The Importance of Choosing the Right Materials, in Architectural Projects” -Muhamet Ahmeti, Blertë Retkoceri.