Inovacioni dhe zhvillimi i kujdesit shëndetësor: Temat kryesore të sesioneve shkencore në Konferencën Ndërkombëtare të Mjekësisë dhe Infermierisë në UBT


Konferenca Ndërkombëtare e Mjekësisë dhe Infermierisë, e mbajtur në kampusin e UBT-së në Lipjan, bashkoi profesionistë dhe ekspertë të mjekësisë nga e gjithë bota për të prezantuar dhe diskutuar hulumtimet më të fundit në fushën e kujdesit shëndetësor.

Me një agjendë të gjerë dhe tematika të larmishme, konferenca synoi shkëmbimin e përvojave dhe njohurive, me fokus në përmirësimin e shërbimeve shëndetësore dhe zhvillimin e metodave të reja shkencore dhe infermierore. Drejtues të konferencës ishin Chair: Fitim Alidema dhe Co-Chair: Abdullah Gruda, ndërsa folësit kryesorë përfshinë Prof. Dr. Halil Krasniqi, Margarita Gjata, dhe Gëzim Bocari.


Sesioni i parë:

  • “Digestive Tract Enzymes (Amylase, Lipase and Protease)” – Afrim Zeqiraj & Blendi Ademaj;
  • “Synthetic strategies for some carborane analogues of coumarins with anticancer activity” – Ahmed Jashari & Eva-Maria Hey-Hawkins;
  • “Description of cases subjected to the in-vitro fertilization procedure” – Albina Fejza & Njomza Mustafa;
  • “Knowledge of kosovo women about papillomavirus and its relationship with cervical cancer” – Albina Fejza & Qëndresë Ismajli;
  • “Physicochemical and Biological Evaluation of Aqueduct Water in Kosovo” – Demokrat Nuha, Arbëri Bytyçi, Fisnik Laha, Pajtimi Bytyçi, Osman Fetoshi, Shpetim Blakaj, Berat Durmishi & Nerxhivane Gërguri;
  • “Initial experiences for HPV vaccination in Kosovo” – Hana Bejiqi, Besmira Morina, Blend Bejiqi & Shqipe Agushi;
  • “Prevalence of analgesic use in primary care in the city of Istog during the period january-june 2024” – Dugagjin Sokoli, Edmond Hajrizi, Zejdush Tahiri dhe Fitim Alidema;
  • “The Impact of Artificial Intellegence on Tacit Knowledge in Modern Organizations : A Comprehensive Review” – Naser Rugova;
  • “Estimation of Lipid Profile Parameters and Blood Glucose Level in Overweight/Obesity Patients and Patients with Normal BMI” – Prezantim poster – Valon Durguti, Elma Sadiku, Suzana Aliu & Fisnik Laha.

Sesioni i dytë:

Chair: Fisnik Laha

Co-Chair: Afrim Zeqiri

  • “Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Regarding Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome Among Temporary Mountain Residents” – Hajrullah Fejza etj.;
  • “Management of Patients for the Preservation of Public Health During War” – Hajrullah Fejza, Zejnije Shala & Abdullah Gruda;
  • “Gastroesophageal Reflux Associated with Lercanidipine” – Mimoza Telaku & Skender Telaku
  • “Chronic Diarrhea in Adults: Our Experience” – Mimoza Telaku etj.;
  • “Esophageal Varices in Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndrome: A Case Report” – Bytyqi Jeton etj.;
  • “The Possible Harmful Effects of Radio Waves Radiation on Humans: A Literature Review” – Mevlan Qafleshi;
  • “Imaging Diagnosis of Mediastinal Masses” – Edita Bajraktari & Ilir Ahmetgjekaj;
  • “Congenital Cysts of the Neck” – Poster Presentation – Emel Ahmeti etj.

Sesioni i tretë:

Chair: Hajrullah Fejza

Co-Chair: Naser Rugova

  • “Genetic and Psychiatric Molecular Analysis in Speech Delay Syndrome” – Naser Kamberi, Festim Kamberi, Hyzer Rizani & Agim Proshkaj;
  • “Treatment of Osteoarthritis Through Physiotherapy: A Narrative Review” – Ardiana Hajdari & Arsim Hajdari;
  • “The Role of Nurses in the Prevention of Decubitus” – Andrita Kurhasku;
  • “Artificial Intelligence Can Be Applied in Biomedicine and Laboratory Medicine: Insights from Scientific Publications” – Zafer Gashi etj.;
  • “Hemogram Parameters Related to Glucose and HbA1c Values in Patients with Type II Diabetes: Effect of Blood Volume in EDTA Tube on HbA1c Result” – Zafer Gashi etj.;
  • “Evaluation of Vitamin D Status in Seasonal Serum Samples” – Zafer Gashi etj.;
  • “The Influence of Patients’ Previous Experiences on the Perception of Anesthesia and Postoperative Recovery” – Valentina Ješić, Dafina Qenaj-Binaj & Afrim Binaj;
  • “Radon as Medicine: The Potential of Using Radon as a Therapeutic Gas in Medicine” – Lulzim Thaçi & Flamur Krasniqi.
  • Sesioni i katërt:
  • Chair: Lulzim Thaçi,
  • Co-Chair: Mevlan Qafleshi
  • “Comparison of the Standard Surgical Method and Diode Laser in the Application of Mucogingival Surgeries – Frenectomy” – Kryeziu Rronë & Dalipi-Sllamniku Zana;
  • “Postoperative Complications After Spinal Anesthesia in Patients of University Clinical Centre of Kosova (QKUK)” – Besir Shaqiri etj.;

  • “Effects of Anesthesia on Cancerous Diseases of the Uterus in the Gynecology Department in Gjilan” – Besir Shaqiri etj.;
  • “The Comparison Between General and Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Section in Anamorava” – Besir Shaqiri etj.;
  • “Gastric Melanoma Metastaticum – A Rare Case” – Zaim Gashi etj.;
  • “The Role of the Nurse in Patients with Intensive Medication” – Albana Hashani Berisha & Rrezjona Reqica.

Sesioni i pestë:

Chair: Shqipe Agushi,

Co-Chair: Njomza Shosholli

  • “Determining Factors in Creating the Perception of Lying Patients – Pregnant and Parturient Patients on the Health Personnel of the Hospital in Peja, Departments of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology” – Skender Dreshaj etj;
  • “Adhesions in Deliveries with Sextio Cesarea According to the Schtark-Misgav Ladach Method and the Modified Method with Sutures of the Visceral and Parietal Peritoneum at the General Hospital in Peja, January 2023 – May 2024” – Skender Dreshaj etj;
  • “Assessment of Health Risks from Air Pollution in Peja Municipality” – Xhevat Kurhasani;
  • “Examining Knowledge Among Adolescents About Food and Nutritional Supplements Such as Vitamin D, Iron, Zinc and Calcium” – Laura Binxhija Qeska & Arvanita Tahiri;
  • “Reconstruction of Amputated Auricle with Retroauricular Flap After Human Bite” – Zejnë Buja etj;
  • “Nurses and Healthcare Management in Health Emergency Situations” – Diana Sejdiu Shala & Medina Thaçi;
  • “Prevalence of Rhinoconjunctivitis and Eczema in 300 Online Respondents” – Veron Ismajli etj.

Konferenca nënvizoi rëndësinë e bashkëpunimit ndërkombëtar në fushën e mjekësisë dhe infermierisë, me synimin për të avancuar praktikat shëndetësore dhe për të përmirësuar shërbimet ndaj pacientëve në Kosovë dhe më gjerë.