Dhjetëra punime shkencore u prezantuan në konferencën e Juridikut
28/10/2023Përgjatë pesë sesioneve të ndara sot zhvilloi punimet konferenca e Juridikut, në kuadër të së cilës u diskutuan tematika të ndryshme ligjore dhe çështje sociale që janë të rëndësishme në kontekstin e Kosovës dhe vendeve tjera.
Në këtë konferencë u diskutua mbi çështje ligjore aktuale dhe sfidat që paraqiten në shoqëri. Studiuesit trajtuan çështjen e inteligjencës artificiale dhe sfidat e privatësisë, dhunën në familje ndaj grave, funksionalizimi i Gjykatës Komerciale të Kosovës: Mes sfidave dhe mundësive, si dhe shumë çështje të tjera që u përcollën me interes nga pjesëmarrësit.
Temat që u trajtuan janë si në vijim:
Sesioni i parë:
Prof.Dr.Ahmet Maloku, (Dean of Law Faculty)
Keynote speaker: PhD Vesna Paunkoska Dodevska (North Macedonia)
- “Artificial Intelligence and privacy challenges”, Vesna Paunkoska Dodevska & Bashkim Nuredini;
- “Forms of manifestation of domestic violence against womens”, Elda Maloku, Ahmet Maloku, Osman Jasarevic;
- “A comparative analysis of legal resctrictions impacting housing prices: A study of Kosovo and Slovenia”, Visar Hoxha & Egzone Osmanaj;
- “Lifelong Maintenance Contract in Kosovo: Regulatory Framework, Implementation, and Judicial Challenges”, Jorida Xhafaj & Tringa Thaçi;
- “Functionalization of the Commercial Court of Kosovo: Between challenges and opportunities”, Mahir Tutulu & Ramush Bardiqi;
- “Property Law in legal terms”, Enisa Haliti – Mustafa & Sevdai Morina;
Sesioni i dytë:
Chair: Jorida Xhafaj
Co – Chair: Sevdai Morina
Keynote Speaker
- “Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities in Kosovo: Community Need or Serbian Leadership Interest?”, Behar Selimi;
- “Unraveling the Enigma of Low Bankruptcy Cases in Kosovo: A Multifaceted Examination of Legal, Cultural, and Rule of Law Factors”, Njomëza Zejnullahu
- “A Path for Kosova Arbitration: What are we to do next?”, Korab Sejdiu;
- “Imposition of alternative measures in North Macedonia and comparison of probation in France and Croatia”, Alma Mustafai Doko;
“Termination of the mandate of representatives elected by the people and their replacement according to the legal framework in the Republic of Kosovo”, Xhavit Shala, Mervete Shala & Bashkim Bellaqa; - “Environmental law and the legal framework for integrating impacts on indoor air quality in life cycle assessments”, Afrim Syla & Visar Hoxha;
Sesioni i tretë:
Chair: Njomëza Zejnullahu
Co – Chair: Enisa Haliti – Mustafa
Keynote speaker:
- “Implementation of interview as a technique of examination methods in the process of scientific research of security phenomena”, Omer Gabela, Ahmet Maloku & Elda Maloku;
- “Lack of professionalism in justice system as a source of criminality”, Elmi Kelmendi;
- “Securing a Claim”, Nehat Idrizi;
- “Some characteristics of crime scene investigation in homicide cases”, Florent Azemi;
- “Towards a new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum: The challenges ahead”, Elton Tota;
- “Enhancing Real Estate Management: The Transformative Role of Machine Learning in Predictive Gains and Risk Model Performance”, Visar Hoxha, Blerta Demjaha, Veli Lecaj, Hazer Dana & Fuat Pallaska;
Sesioni i katërt:
Chair: Xhavit Shala
Co-Chair: Elmi Kelmendi
Keynote speaker:
- “Methods of acquiring ownership”, Enisa Haliti – Mustafa & Erëza Vladi;
- “Protection and promotion of the right to property as a fundamental human right”, Egzone Osmanaj, Sevdai Morina & Veli Lecaj;
- “Revolutionizing Real Estate Mortgage Scoring: The Superiority of Machine Learning Over Traditional Statistical Methods”, Visar Hoxha, Blerta Demjaha, Veli Lecaj, Hazer Dana, Fuat Pallaska;
- “Leniency in cartel cases: Kosovo and EU”, Egzone Osmanaj, Adnan Jashari & Avdi Gjocaj;
Sesioni i pestë:
Chair: Veli Lecaj
Co-Chair: Florent Azemi
- “Machine Learning in Mortgage Scoring: A Comparative Analysis with Traditional Statistical Methods”, Visar Hoxha, Blerta Demjaha, Veli Lecaj, Hazer Dana & Fuat Pallaska;
- “Comparative approach to the legal regulation of Joint-stock companies in the Republic of Kosovo, North Macedonia and Albania”, Bashkim Nuredini & Vesna Paunkoska Dodevska;
- “Surroggy contract: A survey of attitudes of women in Kosovo”, Egzone Osmanaj, Adisa Halimi;
- “The role of personality factors, social factors and social environment as factors of recidivism of juvenile offenders”, Ahmet Maloku & Elda Maloku.