Aktiviteti i Juridikut në Konferencën Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion


Studentë, profesorë dhe studiues të fushës së Juridikut kanë paraqitur e prezantuar punime në ngjarjet shkencore të organizuar nga UBT, në kuadër të Konferencës Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion. Gjatë këtij aktiviteti punime shkencore prezantuan edhe studiues nga rajoni, Evropa dhe më gjerë.


Punimet që janë dorëzuar dhe prezantuar në konferencën e kësaj fushe janë:

Session 1

Chair: Mensur Morina

Co – Chair: Jorida Xhafaj

Keynote speaker: Olgun Deģirmenci

The relationship between education standards and the labor market – Blerina Shkurti

Lost profit – Legal aspects – Vesna Paunkoska Dodevska and Bashkim Nuredini

Special Investigative Opportunity – Blerim Halimi

Innovations and problems of the speech pathology service in Albania, seen from the legal technical- professional and social point of view. The Respect for the rights of this target group of people. – Admir Belishta

Session 2

Chair: Nehat Idrizi

Co – Chair: Xhavit Shala

  • Effects of reform of the legal system and civil law legislation in the Republic of Kosovo – Isuf Jahmurataj
  • Marriage contracts in the Kosovo’s new Civil Code, the beginning of a new approach or new drawbacks – Jorida Xhafaj
  • Legal aspects of electronic contracts -Bashkim Nuredini and Vesna Paunkoska Dodevska
  • Intellectual Property and its Reality in the Region – Altin Maliqi
  • Protecting of Effective Competition in Kosovo Market – Egzona Osmanaj
  • The Right to a Fair Trial and Within a Reasonable Time Deadline for Administrative Matters in Kosovo – Mervete Shala and Xhavit Shala
  • The Presence of Principal-Agent Problems in Publicly Owned Enterprises in Kosovo – Njomza Zejnullahu
  • Kosovo environmental legislation for the protection of nature and air quality – Nexhat Balaj
  • Ina Petraj

Session 3

Chair: Visar Hoxha

Co – Chair: Sevdai Morina

  • Digital Evidence and Prohibitions of Evidence Evaluation – Muhammet Ali Eren
  • Factors that affect in Juvenile Delinquency- The Case of Fushë Kosovë / Kosovo Polje – Mensur Morina and Adrian Alidemaj
  • The State of Emergency in the Constitutiona Law of Kosovo – Behar Selimi
  • Sfidat e Policimit përgjatë Pandemisë COVID-19/Policing and challenges throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic – Fatos Haziri
  • Active and Proactive Transparency in the Judicial System, Post-Reform Approaches -Rezana Konomi
  • Necessity for criminal justice reform in Kosovo – Elmi I. Kelmendi, Albulena U. Ukimeraj, and Diellza Muzlijaj
  • Treatment of Covid 19 from the legal point of view in Kosovo – Zenel Hajrizi
  • Reform of the electoral legal framework and depoliticizing the administration of the electoral process in the Republic of Kosovo – Xhavit Shala and Mervete Shala
  • The European Union rule of law crisis: legal framework and challenges – Dorina Gjipali
  • Privacy and Information Security -Tamar Alpaidze