UBT held a virtual ceremony for student graduation
28/09/2020On this occasion, highly emotive and proud for their achievement during the studies, almost 1500 students have participated in the virtual ceremony which has marked at the meantime the successful completion of their studies. On behalf of graduation ceremony, they availed from occasion to express their gratitude to UBT. As far as UBT Rector prof. dr. Edmond Hajrizi is concerned, these achievements have come as a result of commitment and continuous efforts. According to him, institution is strongly committed to preparing qualified future professionals. As a result, this contributes to make students the image and the greatest pride of our country.
“You will do to express my respect and express my trust in you, because from today you are ambassadors of UBT. As a higher education institution in Kosovo we have continuously provided all the necessary facilities required for carrying out projects and research activities. However, it is worth emphasizing that this year was challenging owing to the pandemic have not given a sign that they do not stop teaching, as for us as an institution switched to digital form. “, noted in his greeting speech UBT Rector, prof. Dr. Edmond Hajrizi.
Meanwhile, UBT Rector Hajrizi held a speech from the Innovative Campus of UBT, in Lipjan. Therefore, he claimed that Kosovo asks for qualified professionals, who meet the needs of labor market. I owe the country and the thousands of parents who entrusted to UBT for education of their children.
Consequently, UBT former students, Gëzim Selimi, Labinot Vuniqi, as well as the recent graduate Erblina Ademi, have revealed their experiences and attained success during and after studies at UBT. In this regard, they availed from opportunity to express their gratitude to UBT Rector prof. dr. Edmond Hajrizi, professors and all UBT staff, for the dedication, training and professionalism. Moreover, owing to situation arising from Covid-19 pandemic, students were not physically present in the premises of institution, but virtually they made the promise that they would serve scientists and contribute to society.