UBT has solemnly welcomed the new students in Prizren and Peja
04/10/2018Being on the verge of the new academic year 2018/2019,there has been organized a welcoming ceremony in the UBT branches in Peja and Prizren.
The students have been awaited by the deans of the faculties, professors and administrative staff, where among others the students were informed about the study opportunities which are offered in UBT.
The welcoming speech has held by the Director of Academic Affairs in UBT, Valmir Hoxha who emphasized that during their studies they will be created the opportunity to advance in the professional level. UBT is comprised of amphitheatres, labs, scientific up-to-date literature. Above all, it has employed local and international staff.
Further on Hoxha underlined that the institution has incorporated and is in relevance to the highest interational standards and employs the best teaching practices.
The UBT Secretar Artan Tahiri congratulated the students for the initiation of the new academic year. He availed from the occassion to encourage them to benefit from the opportunities which are offered by the instution and international Erasmus+ programs, where students are provided with the opportunity of studying in many countries of the world.
Whereas the director of the Office for Student Affairs and IT Murat Retkoceri underlined the fact that that the institution has employed the most innovative systems which enables the students a better access to online services such as Moodle and SMIS.
There have been also organized information sessions in all UBT campuses for each faculty where students are continuously informed about the programs they have chosen to study