UBT founded the largest Polyclinic in Kosovo
01/10/2018The utmost committment to bring forth innovation in the field of Medicine and the need of citizens to be subject to a professional medical treatment has triggered UBT to set up a Polyclinic which is the largest in Kosovo and the whole region.
The polyclinic has already been licensed by the Ministry of Medicine and beside that it has been certified from the highest standard of quality measurement in the world, “ISO 9001:2015”.
The Polyclinic is supplied by a modern infrastructure, being comprised of labs and neccesary equipment to provide all types of medical services. Apart from that there will be available 31 ambulances which will offer unlimited service for patients. This clinic aims to become a sample of professionalism and expertise. It will also serve as an institution which will embroider and shape the leading experts of the future.
The medical services are not the only aspect of this clinic, it is consistently imbibing the leading doctors and lecturers from all corners of the world who share their experiences and professional background with our students and interested parties who are eager to be up-to-date with in the latest innovations originating from the field of medicine. The visits and lectures will be intensified in the future.
UBT has already launched in the labor market the first generation of doctors and nurses who will be provided with the opportunity of implementing in practice the acquired knowledge within the clinic. They will also be under the guidance of the leading local and international experts in the field of medicine.