Regulations and Policies

Nr.                                                                 Denomination
1 Statute
2 Student Organization Status
3 Regulation responsible for organizing the teaching process
4 Regulation related to the Board Activities
5 Regulation of Research and Publications
6 Code of Ethics

Annual report of the Ethics committee for the academic year 2020-21fin

Annual report of the Ethics committee for the academic year 2019-20fin

Annual report of the Ethics committee for the academic year 2018-19fin

Appointment of members of the ethics commission 2021-22

7 Regulation of Administering the Examinations
8 Regulation of pushing along the academic affairs and quality assurance
9 Regulation related to student fee’s and payments
10 Regulation of the Senate Activities
11 Regulation of student enrolment
12 Regulation of studies and academic structure
13 The Charter of the Association of graduates(Alumni)
14 Code of Conduct
15 Regulation of Administrate management
16 Regulation of Internship
17 Regulation of the first phase of studies
18 Regulation of the second phase of studies
19 Regulations of the third phase of studies
20 Regulation of organizing the Master Studies
21 Regulation of archiving documents
22 Regulation of Library
23 Regulation of the Photocopy
24 Regulation of Doctoral Studies
25 Regulation of assurance of health of the employees and the work environment
26 Regulation of work relations and of the person responsible for performing the required tasks
27 Regulation of developing and structuring the thesis (master or bachelor)
28 Regulation of protection from fire and physical security
29 Regulation of programing  “work and study”
30 Regulation of Academic titles
31 Regulation of transfer from one academic institution to another
32 Regulation of preserving personal data
33 Regulation of Server Room
34 Regulation of merit and security discipline
35 Regulation of Quality Assurance
36 Administrative Directive of involvement of students of UBT in workplaces
37 Administrative Directive of controlling the hygiene and technical and material equipment
38 Administrative Directive of work timetable and infrastructure/stockpile
39 Administrative Directive of organizing lab courses
40 Administrative Directive Utilization of telephone network
41 Administrative Regulation of  Elections for Student Administration
42 Administrative Directive of determining the coefficient in the workplace and administration
43 Administrative Directive of the office for Quality Assurance
44 Staff Handbook
45 UBT Tutor Handbook
46 Handbook for Teachers
47 Handbook for Students
48 Handbook
49 Emergency Plan of Fire Protection
50 Recruitment Procedure
51 Procedure of Complaints
52 Disciplinary Procedure
53 Procedure of Contracts
54 Procedure of discontinuing the Job Contract
55 Procedure of working hours and work attendance
56 Procedure of proof period
57 Procedure of Description of job tasks
58 Procedure of Evaluation of job
59 Procedure of Staff Files
60 Procedure of Equal Opportunities
61 Procedure of Holidays/Vacation
62 Procedure of Trainings
63 Regulations for non discrimination
64 Decision – Tuition Fee
 65 Decision on Management board
66 Decision on promoting the gender equality
67 Decision on smoke free policy
68 Students scholarship 50 discount
69 UBT Quality Manual
70 Self-evaluation report UBT College branch Gjilan
71 Academic Strategic Plan
72 Actions
73 Academic Calendar 2021-2022
74 Regulation for student assessment
76 Statute of Students Union
77 UBT Strategy Integrated
78 Student Support Services Regulation UBT




1 Center for Modern Music, Digital Production and Management
2 Institute for Artes Media and Culture
3 Institute for Cyber Security and Privacy
4 Institute for Entrepreneurship, Management and Engineering
5 Institute for Finance and Accounting Support
6 Institute for Innovation, Software and Systems Development
7 Institute for Intellectual Services of Excellence
8 Institute for International Professional Certification
9 Institute for International Relation
10 Institute for Legal Support and Intellectual Property Rights
11 Institute for Library and Center for Knowledge Management
12 Institute for Management and Design of Digital Information Systems
13 Institute for Product Development and Accreditation
14 Institute for Public Policy, Research and Management
15 Institute for The center for Foreign Policy and Euro-Atlantic Studies
16 Institute for the Development of Education and Academic Affairs
17 Institute for the Executive Center for Tourism and Hospitality
18 Institute for UBT SAP – University Alliance
19 Institute for UBT Stats, UBT SIM, UBT Incubator, UBT Architectural Design
20 Institute for Urban Planning, Sustainable Development and Engineering
21 Institute of Life Sciences and Technology
22 Social Innovation Center
23 Technology Transfer Center
24 UBT SAP Research Institute – University Alliance