The UBT students have visited “CURE IT” Company and had the opportunity of closely observing the working processes


The UBT master students from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure have carried out a study visit in the company “CURE IT”, with headquarters in Prishtina. Thereafter, they visited the warehouse of this company located in Grace Village of the Municipality of Vushtrria.

This visit was carried out in respect of the subject, “Construction Technology II”. The students were accompanied by UBT professors Nexhmi Krasniqi and Anjeza Alaj.


Students were awaited from the general director of the company Naim Krasniqi and the operative director Arben Krasniqi. They had the chance to have a closer look at the engagement of staff in those activities and the delegation of responsibilities. In addition, the UBT students were also informed regarding safety precautions in workplace, the types of building materials which are being used for isolation of roofs, terraces, as well as for the manufacturing of materials comprised of carbon fibers.


After being questioned by students, the respective agreed to pay a frequent study visits even during the other phases of construction.