The UBT professor Alban Muja is going to represent Kosovo in the “Biennale of Benedict” for 2019


The minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Kujtim Gashi and the commissioner of Kosovo regarding the activities organized by Biennale of Benedict Arta Agani, who is at the same time the Head of Kosovo National Gallery, has decided to invite the UBT lecturer Alban Muja in the 58th edition of the International Exhibition of Benedict, where he will avail from the occasion to represent Kosovo by unfolding his talent and masterpieces.  


During a press conference the cabinet minister Gashi has highlighted the importance of this event, and further claimed that Kosovo is to be successfully represented in the upcoming edition of the next year. Gashi also underscored the participation of Alban Muja in such festivals and exhibitions which are taking place abroad on regular basis.


“Alban Muja has been who is due to represent Kosovo in this Biennale, is already a globally affirmed and well-known artist. His work is largely exposed to a wide range of festivals and exhibitions”, stated minister Gashi.


Among others, the UBT professor Alban Muja is honored to represent Kosovo in the 58th edition of this Biennale. The exposition is going to be carried out in 2019 and will last from 11th of May until 24th of November.