The UBT conducts a successful visit to Corvinus University – Budapest
24/05/2018The Rector of the UBT, Prof. Dr. Edmond Hajrizi and the International Relations Office represented by PhD cand. Ermal Lubishtani conducted a successful visit to one of the most respected university institutions in Budapest, Hungary. On this visit they met with the highest heads of the Corvinus University, including the Rector Prof. Zsolt Rostovįnyi, the Pro-Rector for Scientific Research Prof. Dr. Laszló Palkovics, deans and other senior heads of the Corvinus University. The purpose of the visit was to strengthen the cooperation between the two institutions of the higher education with special focus on enhancing the exchange of academic staff, students and the implementation of joint academic and scientific projects.
During this visit, they presented the achievements of the UBT in the higher education institute sector in Kosovo and the plans for sustainable development of our institution were debated. The heads of the Corvinus University vowed to support the UBT in achieving the noble mission to increase the quality of the higher education institute sector and in the generation of research and scientific projects which would produce concrete results for the economy of Kosovo.
At the end of the visit, Rector Hajrizi invited the heads of the Corvinus University to be part of the UBT traditional conference which is held in November and thus to continue the growth of this inter-institutional cooperation.
Quality increase of international cooperation continues to be one of the strategic goals of the UBT.