The professional school of English, the right choice for advance in this language
22/08/2018UBT is the first institution to offer the Professional School accredited by the National Authority of Qualifications. This school organizes classes for 5 professional profiles, such as: Information Technology and Communication, Programming-Software Developer, Networking Administration and Computer System, English Language and Administrative Assisstant.
Lately, the application for attending English course in the Professional School has opened, a training in which candidates will be certified from the National Authority of Qualifications.
Besides accreditation, another thing that characterizes this school is the unique and effective way of learning English, that is offered from well prepared and professional professors, with a long experience in this field.
The professional school of English Language in UBT provides classes in 6 levels starting with the beginner, up to the advanced level of language. Until now, there have been hundreds of interested people that after taking the lessons, they got certified.
For registration in this school you can apply here:
Whereas, should you require any extra information, feel free to come personally in the Career Center of UBT or to contact us in this email: career.center@ubt-uni.net or in this number: 038541400.