The mechatronics lab, is the place where are being implemented into practice the innovative ideas of UBT students


“CNC Engines”, “VRobot”, “Smart House”, autonomous robots and various robotic arms, are just some of the many projects realized in the UBT Mechatronics Laboratory, which UBT students use to realize their innovative ideas.


Besides that, this lab has contributed to shape numerous generations of engineers in the field of mechatronics, who now have been easily integrated in the labor market, because of the knowledge they gained during their studies.


This work space enables students to have a unique experience with the engineering systems in daily basis, and also to create and realize their new ideas for solving problems in this field.

This work space makes it possible for the students to have a unique experience with the engineering systems in daily basis, and also to create and realize their new ideas for solving problems in this field.

Due to the fact that the field of mechatronics is multidisciplinary in its nature, the lab has working space in separate sectors. In the section of mechanical tools, which are used for cutting, drilling and welding.

In the electronics section, there are used multimeters as basic instruments, then oscilloscopes and signal generators for detailed circuit analysis.


In the control part there is included microcontroller program. The vast majority of projects have been realized by microcontroller “Arduino Uno”. Indeed. those who are prepared for industry are provided with information regarding the PLC program.


Projects that are being realized in this laboratory are based on student study subjects, and within them are realized many projects that have participated in many scientific events in regional level.


Some of the projects that have been realized in the mechatronics laboratory are CNC Machines, various robotic wings, Smart House, autonomous robot, etc.


VRobot is another project that has been made in this lab and it was presented as an idea in DokuTech, Prizren. The idea of this project was highly because of ​​linking virtual reality to the field of robotics.

The project that took part in many festivals is also “Smart House”, which is about the implementation of a smart access control system with phone access.


This lab is always available for students, who are being consistently supported by the academic staff. Despite of students, the lab is being regularly used also by high school students to build robots with which they participated and are participating in local and international competitions.



The approach of academic staff, the combination of theory with the practical part of the lab and the opportunities that UBT offers to students, makes the new generation acquire the ability to solve various engineering problems and create the intuition of an engineer, for whom there is a need in the local and international market.