GIS for Society

Aim of the training:

  • The primary purpose of this training remains to define the notion of geospatial data, its practical creation and use.
  • Developing knowledge on conceptual, logical and physical models within geospatial data will be achieved during the training.
  • Basic geospatial data models will be explained and practiced with various software based on GIS (Geographic Information System) logic.
  • This training aims to enable the participant after the training to model different geospatial data according to different requirements.
  • Spatial analysis and compilation of various cartographic products will also be included in this training.



Geomedia professional

  • Working with Vector and Raster data.
  • Creating and modeling thematic layers.
  • Geospatial Data (Spatial Data) and Non-Geospatial Data (Non-Spatial Data).
  • Spatial analysis.
  • Preparing a thematic map for printing

Quantum GIS

  • Download and adjust parameters for QGIS work.
  • Work with coordinate reference systems.
  • SHAPE files; creating and editing them.
  • Using different Pluggins within QGIS.
  • Symbolizing and categorizing geospatial data.
  • Data and its use.
  • Geo-visualization of natural and / or social phenomena
  • Spatial analysis.
  • Geospatial data formats and connection to Google Earth.
  • Modeling and printing of thematic maps

ArcGIS / ArcCatalog

  • Creation of Spatial Database / Geodatabase.
  • Development of vector datasets.
  • Creating mosaic raster data.
  • Development of domains and sub domains for geospatial data.
  • Upload (vector) raster and vector data to the geospatial database.
  • Creating links between thematic layers in the geospatial database.

Expected results:

At the end of this module participants will be able to:

  • Know the concepts of the Geographic Information System and geospatial data
  • Know geo-modeling and coordinate systems
  • Use the software: Geomedia Professional, QuantumGIS and ArcGIS / ArcCatalog
  • Create thematic layers
  • Use Vector and Raster data
  • Symbolize and categorize geospatial data
  • Apply spatial analysis to the function of infrastructure and society
  • To create different cartographic products

 Duration: 12 hours