Aim of the training
The professional trainning is in compliance with the highest international standards of communication skills with the public. Training participants can communicate freely with the public, directly or through mass media (TV, Radio, Newspaper, Magazine, Internet, Publications).
- What is e-marketing (e-business, e-commerce) and the differential aspects?
- What is needed for e-marketing?
- Internet Marketing and Sales
- Online market analysis / ONLINE
- Web Page / Build it or upgrade it
- Online business / security issues
- Technology
- Network Partners – ONLINE
- 1 e-marketing and sales channel and 2 or more channels
- Call center / Customer service
- PR – Public Relations (free marketing)
- CRM – concept of recognizing all customers needs – customer retention and meeting their requirements.
- Earn more spend less (the practical process).
At the end of the training you will be able to:
- Know in details what comprises the concept e-marketing
- E-marketing techniques to develop the company
- Be genuine customer voice about the needs he / she has
- Understand that the Internet through communication; messenger, blog, email, e-newsletter or any other form is the most powerful voice at the moment and affects the future developments of all industries
- Be aware of the importance of e-marketing and whether it would benefit from 5-7% of the current market in Kosovo
- Perform the SWOT analysis
- Market segmentation in Kosovo
- Understand this complicated new world which, is in its depth both interesting and profitable.
- Learn about successful online businesses like Dell.com, etrade.com, and more.
- Distinguish between e-business, e-commerce and e-marketing
Duration: 16 hours