Aim of the module:
IT Security will enable anyone who spends a large amount of time online or using a computer at work or at home to protect themselves and their data from a range fraudulent activities and malicious intent. This module is useful for individuals, employers and educators. The range of skills and knowledge contained in this module are particularly relevant important in the current technological plane, because more and more people are using computers for communication, information sharing, purchasing goods and services online. As a result, cybercrime is becoming more widespread, and methods such as phishing, spamming, and security breaches are becoming more sophisticated as are new technologies that facilitate them.
Candidates who successfully complete ECDL / ICDL Module – IT Security will be able to:
Understand and identify key concepts related to the safe use of ICT daily life
- Use appropriate techniques and applications to utilize a secure internet connection
- Use the Internet safely
- Manage data and information properly of physical security, privacy and identity theft
- Understand network types, connection types, and specific network issues including firewalls
• Make data storage and restore convenient and secure