English language

Program type: Supplementary training program

Linking the program to the type of teacher licence:


 Beginner teacher

 Career teacher

 Advanced teacher

 Mentor teacher

Targeted group of teachers / attendees

In recent years the concept of multilingualism has greatly increased in Kosovo, but not only. Knowledge of several foreign languages ​​has become an important means of existence in the region, Europe and overseas countries. Moreover, linguistics is seen as an elementary condition in today’s societies to be able to find a solid job, advance their educational level, develop culture and art as well as establish adequate and long-term communication with society.

The English Language School is accredited by the National Qualifications Authority, so our target group is teachers of all levels, who will be able to attend English language trainings and be certified with a valid certificate, in order to advance and improve their teaching at the levels of education where they are involved, as well as their further advancement.

This program has a duration of 80 teaching hours at the level of language courses, where the distribution of hours is as follows:

Evaluation810 %


At the end of each level, students must achieve the required knowledge for each level, according to the European Qualifications Framework in English, as follows:


GroupsLevels by groups LevelLevel name
ABasic LevelA1Beginner
BIntermediate LevelB1Pre-intermediate
CAdvanced LevelC1Upper-intermediate