Industry Partnership

Based on the fact that the Media and Communication program offered by UBT takes into account the research of the needs for staff in the field of Media and Communication in Kosovo. This program is structured in such a way as to offer students a combination of theory and practice. Therefore, always relying on the study program, as well as following the theoretical aspects, students practice in the media industry.


The Faculty of Media and Communication encourages students to develop skills in strengthening social awareness. During the three years of study, students will be introduced to the theories of Media and Communication, as well as practices in these fields, enabling them to develop practice in addition to theory in various state, public and private institutions dealing with media and communication.


The study program develops students’ skills in communication forms, enables them to analyze and understand the relationship between the media and the audience within a context of change in political culture and in media and information technology. Therefore, the connection with the information and communication industry is more than necessary. This combination of theory and practice also enables the examination of the ways in which citizens, activists, politicians and journalists change the form and nature of the public sphere through the development of new technologies, breaking down the traditional barriers between the state, the media and the public. Therefore, as such, the Media and Communication program necessarily has the professional development of the student in the foreground.


UBT within the framework of Bachelor studies has cooperation agreements with some of the most prominent companies in the Republic of Kosovo, as well as with such institutions in countries in the region, such as Albania and Macedonia, which results in study visits to the media of the same countries.


UBT has agreements with IPKO, Tribuna Channel, InfoKosova, RTK- Radiotelevision of Kosovo, InfoPress; EnterMediaTV, Telegrafi, Klan Kosova, etc.


Students of the Faculty of Media and Communication in cooperation with the Career Center at UBT are provided with internships in these media.


The internship, according to the agreement, lasts one month and is in a rotating format. Successful students interested in the profession of journalism, after completing the internship, have the opportunity to become part of these media. Thus, a large part of them, after completing the internship and after being engaged and showing good results, have continued working in these media as journalists, moderators, program producers, cameramen, director technicians, editors, public relations officers, information officers, etc.


Agreements have been signed with the relevant ministries and with the mayors of several municipalities in the Republic of Kosovo, with the aim of cooperation in the development and implementation of projects in various areas of life that are in the common interest of the ministries, municipalities and UBT. Thanks to these agreements, UBT students benefit by being involved in various programs as well as by benefiting from practical work in these municipalities. In this way, institutional and development capacities are jointly built and certain programs are established as an important part of the cooperation agreements.