Applications for enrollment at the Master’s level are made online or directly at the university premises. To enroll in the MA program in Languages, Media and Communication, as in any other program at UBT, each candidate must meet the requirements of the “Law on Higher Education in Kosovo”. Therefore, to enroll in Languages, Media and Communication, students must apply in accordance with their Bachelor’s degree and the requirements of the applicants themselves. The applicant for this study program should have:
Good success of previous education;
Basic knowledge of Media and Communication;
Writing skills and abilities.
The applicant for this study program must have a university degree in media, social sciences or humanities.
Have demonstrated success during previous education.
Have prior preparation of a desirable and acceptable level of communication and writing.
To be familiar with the first elements of modern writing in various textual forms.
To have advanced knowledge of writing skills, adapted to the latest trends, which will make him capable of working in the media and communicating with the public.
To be familiar with the basics of writing a text, which will enable the student to become familiar with and recognize the types and forms of writing required by different media of the time, each of which has its own specificities.
To have basic theoretical and practical knowledge of the application of basic rules of spelling, pronunciation, and the use of foreign words, as well as
Skills in writing and reporting for the media.
To have basic knowledge of the media, because he will be faced with the basic plan of studying printed media, electronic media, and online media.
Meanwhile, regarding the knowledge of the standard of the Albanian language and writing style, the applicant will receive the necessary knowledge after registering in this study program. Meanwhile, the applicant for studies in Media and Communication is offered preliminary assistance in knowing the basic theory, as well as the practice of communication, research and academic writing.
For admission, there is no need to fulfill additional criteria, but for admission it is necessary for the student to have knowledge of the English language, in order to successfully carry out scientific research.