
  • Throughout the years of study, our students are professionally and morally prepared to carry out with honor the responsibility they will receive as the ability to use innovative management technologies to improve sustainability in production farms, to improve production efficiency and quality of production;
  • Adopt the principles of environmental sustainability in integrated and biological protection against plant pests and diseases, as well as to apply precise protection techniques to prevent, monitor and control cultivation pathogens;
  • Scientific research through participation in scientific projects and improvement of laboratory infrastructure;
  • Expertise and technical assistance for public and private institutions within the country and the region in the field of agriculture and the environment;
  • Applied the most advanced tools and methods of protecting the agricultural environment;
  • To be able to apply international principles regarding the environment and its pollutants;
  • Supervise workers and production processes of Agro-companies;
  • To recognize and determine the values ​​of agrochemicals and plant protection products used in agriculture;