Industry Partnership

The cooperation between UBT and industry is one of the institutional priorities, which affects the realization of the theoretical objectives of teaching and their necessary practical training. The special role of this cooperation is the fulfillment of two main objectives: the highest level of theoretical knowledge and the development of practical skills in solving problems.


As a result, UBT is in the process of establishing cooperation agreements with a number of businesses, organizations and healthcare institutions that work in the field of the study program, in order to ensure the possibility of carrying out practical learning. The following list includes collaborators engaged in various health centers with which UBT has reached cooperation agreements:


Florent KavajaCEO – Kavaja Hospital
Agim KrasniqiDoctor at the Medical Center in Lipjan
Jeton ZariqiFerizaj Regional Hospital
Driton FeriziCEO – UROMED Polyclinic
Kemajl EminiDirector of Health in the Municipality of Ferizaj/Uroševac
Shkelqim KabashiDirector – PINEA Laboratory
Mentor KurshumliuDirector – PRO LAB Laboratory
Albanian GashiSenior Nurse at Family Medicine Centers – Pristina
Luan SylejmaniDirector – JETA Laboratory
Brikenda Mulla SharapolliMicrobiologist at the National Institute of Public Health