Students and Publications

The curriculum of the MBE program is suitable for: young graduate students with degrees in different fields; experienced professionals who seek to advance their skills and understand management issues, experienced management professionals seeking to advance their business management skills, and professionals from many other areas seeking a career change. The program is focused on students/professionals from the following industries: banking and finance, marketing and public relations, engineering, retail, manufacturing, public and non-profit sector, IT / Telecom and consultancy.


Students who have graduated from the program have established their own businesses, have taken new positions in the private or public sector, or have advanced in the management of larger private sector firms. Graduates operate best in manufacturing and service industries. The knowledge they have gained is consistent with high-level managerial requirements in both private and public sectors. Based on UBT alumni annual survey data, most students work in the following areas:

  • have established their own businesses;
  • have continued to establish the family business;
  • have acquired managerial functions in SMEs;
  • have taken positions as consultants in various fields;
  • have taken positions as researchers or executives in the public sector;
  • banking and insurance sectors and
  • have continued with further Ph.D. development at other international universities.

Important documents for students and professors.


Student evaluation report for staff for the Academic Year 2023/2024 by branches:


Alumni Questionnaire Evaluation Results:


Lecturer schedule:


Exam Schedule:


Report and MBE Faculty Strategy


Pass Rate, Dropout Rate, and Graduate Employment

The MBE Faculty at UBT maintains transparent and accessible information on key academic metrics:

Pass RateAverage 65%
Dropout Rate11%14%14%
Grad. Employment Rate98%93%95%