Computer Science and Engeneering, unlike many other technical disciplines, does not have a well-described list of topics that appear in virtuallly all indroductory courses. However, the ACM/IEE (2004-2013) and EU E-Competence Framework recommendations underpin the design of the curricula. Furthermore, the institutions has been subject to external evaluations by external accreditation teams who have provided valuable inputs and advice in curriculum design process. The institution has a network of international academic and industry partners that have contributed to provide both the international best practices and local context in curriculum design. Lastly, the academic staff and students have contributed with their interests and valuable input.
The study programme draws on some of the best international practices and the curriculum content provides some similarities with other international institutions. The common core of the curriculum with other international best practices centeres on providing: (1) introductory courses in computer science and engeneering, (2) introducing computer science and engeneering pathways, (3) enabling student choice and free electives, (4) providing resources for practice and (5) providing qualified teachers and industry practicioners.
When it comes to curriculum content, the study programme similarly with other international institutions offers (1) Basics of computer science and engeneering programming, (2) Programing paradigms – the programming paradigms center of JavaScript and Python but also other visual programming languages Alice and Scratch. Other programming subjects as functional programming, concurrent programming and object-oriented programming have been included as electives, (3) Introductory software development practices, (4) Platforms – in additional to conventional platforms the programme also others Web, Mobile, Robotics and Game consoles platforms, (5) Mathematics – the programme provides a mathametical maturity for students given its importance to computer science and engeenering (6) Algorithms and Complexisty (AL), (7) Computer Architecture and Organisation (AR), (8) Computational Science (CS), (9) Discrete Structures (DS), (10) Graphics and Visulation (GV), (11) Information Managemenet (IM), (12) Information Security (IAS), (13) Networking and Communication (CNC), (14) Operating Systems (OS), (15) Software Development Fundamentals (SDF), (16) Software Engeneering (SE), (17) System Fundamentals (SF) and (18) Social Issues and Professional Practice (SP).
The programme shares the common core and has similarities with the followinng institutions: