Aims and Objectives

The purpose of this program is education for graduate construction engineer – Master of Science in construction and infrastructure in harmony with the needs and requirements of Kosovo society. The graduate of  this study program will acquire all the knowledge and competence to work in all construction works and constructions of hydro and road infrastructure outside the borders of our country, within the market European and world.


The aim of this program is to achieve academic competencies and skills related to the field of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure. Through this program students will gain (control) in an efficient and qualitative scientific basis of the profession of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure. This includes the development of creative abilities of the main problems, developing critical thinking and teamwork skills, necessary for construction work in the profession. The aim of the program is education of experts who possess basic knowledge in the field of infrastructure construction and road-construction and hydro related to the design and construction of buildings. Developing awareness of the need for permanent education and perfection is also one of the aims of this study program.


Studies at this level are trained to apply knowledge (knowledge) acquired, they are competent to solve real and  problems of road infrastructure construction practices and continue further education in doctoral studies in case that they have opted for. The student who performed the studies possesses a high level of knowledge and competence to work in a profession in the field of designing, building and organizing the construction of all types of construction facilities and road infrastructure. With the acquisition of this study program students acquire skills for developing communication skills for collaboration and teamwork as well as the acquisition of knowledge of responsibility and professional ethics.


Upon completion of academic studies student possesses basic knowledge necessary for understanding the process of construction and design of the construction of important infrastructures. Also, gaining skills for communication and exchange of information and ideas on issues related to the construction profession. For the implementation of the acquired knowledge and skills to use and respect the law, standards and norms. By conducting this study program, the student can put in the solution despite the complex engineering problems related to the calculation and dimensiononim building construction, road and infrastructure construction. Critically evaluate arguments and priorities and select engineering problems creatively


Learning Outcomes


Upon successful completion of the programme, the student will be able to


  • Recognize and describe engineering issues, understanding the interaction between design, construction, marketing, client demands, and removal of structures.
  • Understand the impact of civil engineering, construction, and infrastructure on society and the environment.
  • Apply advanced knowledge in mathematics, science, and technology to civil engineering, construction, and infrastructure.
  • Conduct civil engineering, construction, and infrastructure experiments and interpret their results, using computer-aided design tools.


  • Demonstrate the ability to critically analyze arguments, hypotheses, concepts, and data to solve engineering problems creatively and make informed decisions.
  • Participate in the planning, design, and implementation of large-scale construction projects, adapting knowledge to interdisciplinary teams in construction and infrastructure design.
  • Engage in civil engineering and construction research using quantitative and qualitative methodologies, ensuring continual learning and adaptation to technological advancements.



  • Apply acquired knowledge and skills for further professional and academic development, staying committed to lifelong learning and adapting to evolving technologies in civil engineering, construction, and infrastructure.
  • Be familiar with and uphold civil engineering ethics and regulations that underpin the profession, ensuring responsible professional conduct.
  • Take responsibility for engaging in large-scale construction projects, demonstrating leadership and the ability to make critical decisions in dynamic and interdisciplinary teams.