Students of Architecture have participated in the competition organized by Kingdom of Cambodia, which awards 20,000 thousand dollars for the winner
27/08/2018Students from the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning of UBT, respectively Benard Shala, Ulkis Bajqinovci, Alina Ahmeti, Besajan Bytyqi and Riola Hamzaj have carried out a project of great significance targeting the inhabitants of Cambodia. This project is named “Affordable Housing Challenge 2018”, organized by the Development Program of European Union in collaboration with Building Trust International.
The will compete to earn the award of 20 thousand dollars in Cambodia. Their project takes places within an area of 70 thousand square meters for 4 thousand resident units, associated by particular areas for specific purposes which include green spaces, shops etc.
Indeed, the UBT student Bernard Shala has closely elaborated the master plan concept and has emphasized the fact that it is being developed within a reasonable cost. Moreover he also underlined that this project serves as a mean of representing Kosovo as a state in international level.
First and foremost the aim of this group is to represent UBT and Kosovo as state. At the same time this group conveys a meaningful message by highlighting the fact that even Kosovo students are capable of working in projects and to compete in international competitions.
You will find the photos concerned with this project as follows.