The research infrastructure of the UBT can be categorized as follows:
UBT Library
UBT library consists of two separate spaces: spaces which contained space for books and the space for reading. This separation enables the delivery of a more efficient service, opportunity for access to books and, at the same time, tranquility necessary and sufficient in the reading room.
The current physical library is depicted with its stacks of 250,000 printed books, one of the biggest library around, as well as its e-books and publisher databases. The librarians present work with physical books and digital material, including cataloguing and circulation, are illustrated at the left of the sphere named ‘core knowledge’. UBT students have access to different digital e-Libraries, such as: BIONE, EBSCO HOST, IMF, Cambridge Journals and JSTOR.
UBT Library has created an electronic catalog, through which readers can be informed about all the material that exists in the library and may make application to take books from the distance. The library is supplied with books in different international languages. Publications that are usually obtained by internationally acclaimed centers like Vienna University of Technology, Harvard University, Oslo University, Oakland University, Nice University, etc. Also, there is a wide selection of specialized literature in the field of international diplomacy and the angle of NATO and the international committee, which focuses specifically on the situation in recent years in Kosovo
The names of the laboratories are:
The names of the clinics are: