Rector Hajrizi Participates at “Dilemmas 2015” Symposium in Sweden
17/09/2015UBT Rector Prof. Dr. Edmond Hajrizi has toured a number of European countries, including Sweden, Germany, and Austria, where he met leaders of the academic institutions with whom he discussed cooperation in different areas of interest for the student and the staff of the UBT.
Rector Hajrizi also participated in the “Dilemmas 2015” symposium organized at the Linnaeus University of Sweden where he made a presentation together with Prof. Dr. Kozeta Sevrani from the Tirana University.
UBT lecturers Dr. Ardian Emini and PhD Candidate Krenare Pireva also participated at the conference with two presentations.
Rector Hajrizi also had a meeting with the leaders of the Linnaeus University with which the UBT has had successful cooperation for several years now. During the meeting, they discussed the progress in the cooperation so far and ways of extending the cooperation in other areas, including staff and student mobility, joint research projects, capacity building, organization of summer schools, and other topics.