Pro-dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Visar Krelani has represented UBT in the meeting with the Minister Endrit Shala
05/03/2019With the invitation of the Minister of Trade and Industry, Endrit Shala, pro-dean of the Faculty of Construction and Infrastructure, prof. dr Visar Krelani, represented UBT at the informative meeting. This meeting aimed to inform the respective stakeholders about the legislation regarding construction materials and the Association-Stabilization agreement.
Among others, this meeting aimed to raise awareness about the opportunity of launching the products which are manufactured in Kosovo even broader in the European market.
At this meeting, the parties were informed about the possibility that the products of the Republic of Kosovo, without any obstacles, can be launched in the European market and beyond.
Prior to the audience, Krelani expressed the willingness of the institution to help, while emphasized that UBT will contribute to the provision of professional expertise by the experts of this field. Moreover, he highlighted the fact that institution is willing to collaborate with the domestic partners of industry and construction companies.
Meanwhile, Minister of Trade and Industry, Endrit Shala, emphasized that the ministry that he leads is committed and supports the academy and construction industry in research and market recognition, designing and supporting manufacturers, in order to certify their products with special schemes through subsidies granted by KIESA.
Due to the fact, Shala emphasized that it is important to increase the level of competitiveness and find better ways of approach to the foreign trade in order to improve the trade balance as much as possible.
Kosovo has made a huge step by enacting the Law of Construction Products. This law was enacted in November 2018 and will soon come into force. This aims to regulate the aspects which are related to the infrastructure quality in the field of construction.