16/07/2018UBT in collaboration withUNICEF are organizing a special edition of workshop Ponder which will put a special emphasis on reading-writing medial. During the activity which will long for two days the participants will have the opportunity to improve their critical thinking as well as reading, writing, comprehending and challenging the subjective information.
The workshop will be organized and take place during 21-22 July in the Innovative Campus of UBT in Lipjan.
UBT will be responsible for transport from Prishtina to Lipjan and vice-versa. The participants of PONDER workshop will be provided with the opportunity to have experimental work
practice in collaboration with media and other institutions such as TV stations, radio stations, electronic portals, newspapers etc.
In the framework of PONDER there will be also organized a competition named “The Young Critics” where there will be given awards about the best articles, footages which have been published in Media.
Why you should participate in PONDER?
- Improvement of Critical Thinking
- Improvemnet of skills which are related to have a better understanding of the Media concept
- Networking and collaboration with young critics
- Compilation of Media raports
- Writing and providing critics about medial products
- Acceptation of mentorship and continuos observation;
- Certification
- You may apply individually or as a group of two or three persons
- Students of UBT and other parties
- In these program are willing to apply not only students from UBT but even other interested parties
- Write all the required information in the application form for all the members.
- Each member should have the Kosovo’s identity card ID or the birth certificate
- The age of participants should be from 14-24
- The participants ought to be interested in improving writing, reading and critical thinking skills.
- It would be preferable to have interest for labor practice and media institutions.
- The participant should be committed and capable of working in the workshop which will last for two days.