Over 10 thousand students and 1 thousand UBT professors have started online learning
17/03/2020UBT is one of the only institutions in the region that offers quality European education, where owing to the latest technology it has numerous study advantages.
Due to the fact, thousands of UBT students have begun to gain theoretical and practical skills through advanced online learning. As a result, learning is now being practiced virtually by all faculties, an experience that UBT brought to Kosovo years ago, which has not been difficult to implement at all. UBT staff and students are carrying out interactive lectures in virtual classrooms through the Moodle platform, where they having the opportunity to develop interactive distance learning.
Despite video and audio communication, students are also making use of virtual table options to practice real-time lectures.
Furthermore, this lesson plan will be implemented until the new decision of the local institutions, while UBT has the capacities and is ready to help other public and private universities, so as not to neglect the teaching process.