Radio Campus
In framework of UBT, Radio Campus operates and has extended its activity in order to meet the needs of Media which are required from the municipality of Lipjan and its surroundings.
Radio Campus was licensed in 25 March 2015, by the Independent Commission of Media (ICM), and transmits twenty four hours a day, cultural, educational, social and entertaining programs, news and so on and so forth. It’s worth mentioning the fact that there has been recently witnessed a growth in the number of followers.
The department of radio is comprised of students from the Faculty of Media and Communication of UBT, whom opt for and are committed to acquire and put into the practice the knowledge they have earned.
Radio Campus is guided by professional staff and is open to all categories of the society. The underlying priorities of the Radio are as follows; speed, accuracy, having an impersonal approach and above all being a balanced. News and the developments which are transmited by this radio are in accordance to the Code of Ethics and in relevance to the standards which have been stipulated by the Independent Commission of Media (ICM).
Radio Campus will implement the most advanced standards of informative programs, developing conversations from terrain, interviews in studio, invitied guests with different backgrounds and pertaining to different fields such as; education, innovation, economy, enterpreneurship, culture politics and sport.