09/10/2018Date: 15th of October 2018 – Monday
Venue: UBT, Prishtinë
Time: 17:00-19:00
Reception takes place from 19:00.
After long and difficult talks, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) are ready
to begin their work in addressing some of the alleged crimes that have taken
place during and after the war in Kosovo. However, as recent developments in
Kosovo indicate, the road ahead will be no less, if not more, treacherous than
the one behind us. As a result, it is now more important than ever to begin
having important conversations about both the context, the content, and the
implications of the creation of the Specialist Chambers for Kosovo and for the
region. To this end, the Institute for European Studies (VUB), together partners
with the Grotius Centre and UBT in Prishtina, are organizing a series of policy
forums and workshops in Brussels (March 2018), The Hague (June 2018), and
Prishtina (October 2018).
The first policy forum took place on March 7, 2018 at the Institute for
European Studies and addressed the topic: ‘International Criminal Justice as a
Foreign Policy Tool of the EU: the case of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers’.
The second policy forum took place on June 22, 2018 at the Grotius Centre in
The Hague and addressed the topic: ‘The Kosovo Specialist Chambers:
Comparative Legal Perspectives’
The third policy forum will address what are and what can be the implications
of the KSC and SPO for Kosovo politics and society, and whether KSC can be a
political game changer or not. Political, social and legal perceptions will come
together on the third panel and address all sides of the court: the good, the
bad and the unspoken. The event is sponsored by the IES-VUB.
Albin Kurti – Leader of Vetëvendosje
“The social and political impact of Kosovo Specialist Chambers”
Aidan Hehir – Reader in International Relations, University of Westminster
“Justice without Legitimacy? The Lack of Popular Support for the KSC”
Furtuna Sheremeti – PhD Researcher – Dep. of Criminology – KU Leuven
“Specialist Chambers as an addition or a distraction?”
Mathias Holvoet – Senior Associate Researcher, IES
“A Preliminary Assessment of the Impact of the Outreach Activities of the
Specialist Chambers”
Robert Muharremi – Assistant Professor at RIT Kosovo
“From organ trafficking to specialist chambers: the politics of strategic
The Panel, will be chaired by Dr. Medlir Mema.
The working language is going to be English.
Please confirm your participation no later than 14th of October at furtuna.sheremeti@kuleuven.be