In the framework of the project, “Development and Implementation of PhD program in the IT education system of Kosovo
Due to the fact, there has been carried out the first meeting on behalf of the project, “Development and Implementation of PhD program in the IT education system of Kosovo, funded by Erasmus+ program. The main purpose of this project is to set up a PhD school in domestic level, respectively to develop a qualitative third level of education in the field of IT. As a result, this would strongly contribute to preparing of human resources in the field of information technology and communication.
Apart from others, UBT Rector prof.dr Edmond Hajrizi, claimed that this project is a great opportunity and serves not only to prepare professionals, but also in building capacities with regard to research and innovation. According to him, the field of IT is one of the underlying factors which may lead to growth and advancement.
“As far as the aspect of service sector is concerned, it is worth emphasizing that IT is the only sector which has the highest rate of exports compared to imports. Consequently, it is would be worth supporting the development of this sector by all means. Meanwhile, to raise those capacities, it is highly necessary to set up a PhD school”, noted Hajrizi.
Besides that he also emphasized that owing to the contribution of international partners, there will be enough opportunities to reflect on this issue and generate new ideas. In addition, the Rector of Prishtina University, dr Marian Dema put it that project is expected to contribute to Kosovo and domestic universities, by improving the quality of studies and PhD.
“Indeed this project will help us to bind communication bridges in the society as a whole, aiming to make a better world for everyone. Carrying out changes is not that easy, but they are easily achieved if we work all together”, added he.
The professor of Linnaeus University, who is at the same time a coordinator of Kosovo education system dr. Anita Mirijamdotter, claimed that this project will not only make it possible to build human capacities, but also establish a common PhD school which aims to aid and improve society as a whole.
“The foundation of this school is not only related to enhancement of building capacities, but also to provide outcomes which derive from an applied research and meet the needs of society. Obviously, this project has been of significant importance and this is straightforwardly witnessed by support given from a large number of citizens, who have revealed their willingness to implement it into practice”, pointed out Mirijamdotter.
Meanwhile, the representative of Norwegian Embassy of Kosovo, Jenny Stenberg Sorvlod, stressed that owing to this project Kosovo will have the chance to create students and professors the opportunity to advance in their career. I’m delighted to work in this aspect along with others.
“Education, research and capacity building are key to the success of the IT sector and the creation of an advanced society. As a consequence, IT education is very important here, as it is an encouraging field for Kosovo students to stay and contribute here”, added she.Political representative of the Swedish Embassy in Kosovo, Olle Ingvarsson stated that education is a fundamental human right and a basis for democracy.
“Since the first moment I came to Kosovo I have seen that young people are looking for quality education, so the need to reform education is extremely necessary. This project is the basis for the initiation of these reforms, as Kosovo possesses great talents and potential in the field of IT. Therefore, by creating quality education, it creates the path to sustainable economic development and the building of a prosperous society”, said Ingvarsson. The head of International Cooperation at MEST, Burim Gashi, emphasized that this project will be profitable for both educational institutions and students in Kosovo, as well as MEST.
“We are here to express our readiness to support this capacity building project. We are interested in making this project sustainable as long as possible”, said Gashi. The representative of Erasmus + program in Kosovo, Jehona Lushaku, revealed a high degree of optimism regarding the success of this project. According to her, the most renowned universities of Scandinavian countries, and not only, as well as well-known educational institutions from Kosovo, have joined us to put in into practice.
“The opportunities offered by Erasmus + are numerous, especially in terms of expanding cooperation and funding, so you should make the most of the opportunities that Erasmus + offers to realize your projects and ideas,” she highlighted.
During the second session of the meeting, the participants gave short introductory speeches to the partner institutions of this consortium, to proceed with presenting the purpose, objectives and expectations of the project, the activities to be organized, the work to be carried out and the role of each partner in the process, etc.
Implementing partners in this project are: NTNU University – Norway, SEERC – Greece, Linneaus University – Sweden, UBT – Kosovo, University of Pristina – Kosovo, University of Prizren – Kosovo, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in Kosovo. Kosovo Accreditation Agency, Kosbit Industry and BPB Bank along with their partners.