129 search results

Specializations (Political Science)


Food Science and Technology (Master Programs)

Name of the Institution: UBT CollegeFaculty/Department: - ...

Administrator of Systems and Computer Network (Professional School)

Program overview This program provides students with practical and theoretical knowledge related to the administration of computer systems and networks. The program is tailored to market requirements, offering extensive employment opportunities. Students who attend this professional school are created the opportunity to lea ...

Applications Developer (Professional School)

Program overviewThe Application Development Program provides you with insights that can be used to design, develop and implement software solutions for businesses and their products.Graduates of the Application Developer Vocational School develop their knowledge and skills to work in the information technology industry in positi ...

Administrative Assistant (Professional School)

Program overviewThe aim of this program is to train and certify participants for the position of Administrative Assistant, in order to attest to the professional knowledge and skills of the modern functioning of an Administrative Assistant.At the end of the course students are asked to prove their knowledge, by drafting letters, ...

Art and Digital Media (Bachelor Programs)

Documents:1.1-240910-Annual Quality Report-2023-24-AMD-ENG ...

Modern Music, Digital Production and Management (Bachelor Programs)

The Bachelor of Modern Music, Digital Production and Management program offers professional education in these important areas of study. Modern Music, Digital Production and Management is the study of the key and leading areas of the Modern Music Industry, including the 3 key positions such as creation, instrumental performance, vocal music production a ...

Agriculture and Envirovmental Engineering (Bachelor Programs)

Timetable:VITI I BSc.IAM VITI II BSc.IAM ...

Sport Science and Movement (Bachelor Programs)

Name of the institution UBT - UNIVERSITY OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGYFaculty/Department Sport Science and Movement ...

Public Health and Management (Master Programs)
