129 search results

Infrastructure (Public Policy and Management)

INFRASTRUCTURE Since its nature the program does not require any additional infrastructure. The programme has access to well-equipped facilities. ...

International Cooperation (Public Policy and Management)

INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION The program complies with the United Nations Excellence Standards on Education and Training of Public Administration and the International Association of Schools and Administration Institutes. The program has been among Kosovo's specifics, recent scientific developments and lessons learned from Cor ...

Media & Events (Public Policy and Management)


Success Stories (Public Policy and Management)


Industry Partnership (Public Policy and Management)

INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIP  The majority of graduate programs taught at UBT the students will be required to undertake practical and/or laboratory work.The aims of practical work vary but usually include:Linking theory with practice. Deve ...

Food Science and Biotechnology (Bachelor Programs)

 Name of the institution BPRAL UBT CollegeFaculty/Department Faculty of Food Science and Biotechnology ...

Specializations (Food Science and Biotechnology)

FOOD TECHNOLOGY NUTRITION Upon a successful completion of the program Food Science and Biotechnology-speciality Nutrition, candidates shall be able to:Understand the role of food and nutrition, nutrient function levels, in mai ...

Pharmacy (Master Programs)

UBT Pharmacy Program Overview   Name of the institution BPRAL UBT College ...

Dentistry (Master Programs)

UBT Dentistry Program Overiview   Name of the institution BPRAL UBT College ...

Political Science (Master Programs)

Documents:Industry-program-and-Faculty-review-2022-2023 ...