129 search results
Students (Sport Science and Movement)
The Students Admission is regulated by the Faculty Council Regulation on Admission. All applicants within the enrolment quotas for full-time students, who have completed lower and upper secondary school have the right to enroll in a graduate degree for obtaining the academ ...
Staff (Sport Science and Movement)
Dean, Prof.Ass.Dr. Agron ThaqiEmail: agron.thaqi@ubt-uni.net ...
Infrastructure (Sport Science and Movement)
UBT management follows needs for adequate premises, inventories, teaching and learning spaces, IT utilities, software, library and reading rooms in each Campus regarding to activities of Curricula and Syllabus. UBT library consists of two designated areas for the book storing area and the reading space. This separation enables the delivery of a more eff ...
International Cooperation (Sport Science and Movement)
University of Rome “Foro Italico”, ItalySports University of Tirana, Albania ...
Media and Events (Sport Science and Movement)
Success Stories (Sport Science and Movement)
Aims and Objectives (Urban Planning and Sustainable Development)
The Mission of the Urbanism and Development programme is to promote best practices in field of Urbanism, Planning and Sustainable Development based on current demand in local and regional level. The Kosovo development reality, labour market as well as central and local institutions demand for spatial and urban planners has remain particularly high in re ...
Curriculum Structure (Urban Planning and Sustainable Development)
Year I: 60 ECTSSemester I: 30 ECTS &n ...
Admission (Urban Planning and Sustainable Development)
The program focuses on attracting candidates and professionals from the following fields and industries: Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, Sustainable Development, Agriculture and Rural Development, Transport and Logistics, Local Governance, Law, Economy, Sociology, Regional Development, Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences, Applied Sciences, ...
Teaching and Learning (Urban Planning and Sustainable Development)
Active approach and professor’s flexibility towards the student or a group of students achieved higher outcomes in terms of student’s success. Depending on the level of studies and specific subjects, the focus of lecturers is to engage students from the first stage of courses in more interactive way of learning. Courses that are focused in semestral ...