Academic year 2024/2025
The UBT student Nderim Bytyçi has been employed in the German company “TIM Solutions”
The students from the Faculty of Media and Communication have finished the professional practice at UBT
The UBT student is employed in as application developer in “Rrota”, Company
The UBT student starts on a professional practice in the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
The UBT student Djellza Hamza is employed in the Digital School and “QSI”
Raiffeisen Bank has created the UBT students with the opportunity of initiating a professional practice
The UBT students, a finalist in the Design Competition
Nora Grajçevci a master student which is actually a master student in the Faculty of Law at UBT, has been employed in the legal office
The UBT student Alban Hoxha is employed in the Express Newspaper
The architect Lorika Hisari has lectured in front of UBT students about issues concerned with public spaces which represent in itself a urban heritage
Benart Shala has participated in the workshop “DREAM FLAKE V1.0”, in Bulgaria
The former UBT student of Architecture is recently employed in Switzerland
The high quality of studying process is a positive indicator as far the process of recognition of Diplomas in Germany is concerned
The former student of Political Sciences is recently employed at UBT
The former UBT student Florenta Fetoshi has become part of University of Sussex
The UBT student Mustafë Buzhala is employed as an engineer at Bechtel & Enka