Ambassador of Finland to Kosovo, Matti Nissinen, Lectures to UBT Students
26/03/2024Students at UBT had an opportunity to explore the history and journey of Finland towards membership in the European Union (EU). The Ambassador of Finland to Kosovo, Matti Nissinen, was present to share the perspective and experience of his country in this important process.
The discussion was characterized by a rich exchange of ideas and thoughts, led by profound questions and comments from students representing various disciplines, including political science, security studies, law, and psychology. Professor Hajdi Xhixha, an expert in Political Science, facilitated the discussion, encouraging participants to share their thoughts freely and with due respect.
Throughout the discussion, the importance of incorporating various aspects of politics, security, and law into the EU accession process was emphasized. Students were inspired by Finland’s success model and debated effective ways to accelerate Kosovo’s journey towards full membership in the European Union.
In conclusion, the discussion was valued as an important platform for constructive exchange of ideas and for enhancing their knowledge in the field of European integration. Finland’s experience served as a source of inspiration for the students, prompting them to delve deeper into ways Kosovo can benefit and progress on its path towards EU membership.