Program type: Basic training program
Linking the program to the type of teacher license
Career teacher
Mentor teacher
Targeted group of teachers / attendees
The training “Academic Writing in Schools” aims to introduce candidates to the basic principles in the process of academic writing, a skill that is in high demand at all levels of education. This training prepares candidates to achieve the appropriate theoretical and practical skills, which can be applied in the learning environment in order to inform students about the need for beautiful writing.
The Career Center at UBT for many years now has successfully managed to introduce and promote well-designed trainings related to the development of writing skills in young people
This program has a duration of 15 academic hours, where the distribution of hours is as follows:
Theory | 4 | 26.6% |
Practice | 4 | 26.6% |
Self-study | 4 | 26.6% |
Evaluation | 3 | 20 % |
Total: | 15 | 100% |
Upon completion of the training teachers will be able to:
– gain considerable knowledge on the need to write beautifully
– help young people to improve their language and expression in Albanian;
– help young people achieve the necessary skills in academic writing
– arouse strong interest of young people to continue with adequate education;
– motivate and improve the decision-making of young people.